Spliting article into multiple pages

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Post by pixelpeter »

Because it's not really a replacement tag I choosed to use ####xxx#### wich is also used by Oliver in more complex situations.

Reg-Ex is the short for regular-expression wich stands for patterned based searching, means not searching for a specific string (e.g: "phpwcms") but for a pattern (e.g: <[^>]*> wich finds HTML-Tags)

Because pagebreaks are defined by the text "####NEXTPAGE####" if have to search for (literally spoken): every text including pagebreaks and whitespace followed by "####NEXTPAGE####" followed by text including pagebreaks and whitespace. If I accidentially delete maybe one HTML-End-Tag too much I will screw up the code. Until know /(###NEXTPAGE###)(([\ \r\n]*)<\/[^>]*>)*/ does the job very well, so I will release this hack this evening
Ibis Fernandez
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Post by Ibis Fernandez »

didn't really expect any more movement on this topic but glad I checked in today. It's looking great, glad to see Im not the only one who sees this feature as a valuably nessesity :D
Ibis Fernandez
Cinestar Filmworks
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Post by pSouper »

I too have just popped back (not sure why i missed my emial about a new reply).

thank for the explanation PP, love to here how you got on with your ####NEXTPAGE#### mod :)
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Post by sigaq »

pixelpeter wrote:.......Until know /(###NEXTPAGE###)(([\ \r\n]*)<\/[^>]*>)*/ does the job very well, so I will release this hack this evening

I am sure there are a lot more of us who are crying out for this feature! Any idea when you might have the time to release it?

Many thanks.
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Post by kiljan »


gibt es für die Pagination mittlerweile ein Lösung?

Ich habe eine Seite mit vielen Bildergallerien und würde dort gerne Seitenweise blättern können, da sonst zuviele der Gallerien auf einer Seite wären.
Dies verlängert auch ungemein die Ladezeiten dieser Seite.
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Post by spirelli »

And if you make a mod like that it would be nice if the full article shows in the print preview rather than the paginated version.
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Has this feature been implemented?

Post by Nik2004 »

Now, abt a year later, has the article pagination feature been implemented?

A lot of people are asking for it!

Post by macmukka »

Any more movement on this? It's something I really need.

OR is there another way?

Best -
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