Problems after upgrade

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Posts: 7
Joined: Tue 6. Jul 2004, 13:57

Problems after upgrade

Post by IMTREX »

Hello alltogether!

I did upgrade on a working system from RC2 to RC4. Now things are almost working, however the following things are happening and may be somebody can help:

Changes in admin menu for structure are working ok. When changing an article however and then trying to update it a message like this appears:

error while updating article basis information:
UPDATE phpwcms_article SET article_cid=13,article_title='TEST', article_keyword='', article_public=1, article_aktiv=1, article_begin='2004-07-06 13:55:21', article_end='2010-12-31 23:59:59', article_subtitle='', article_summary='TEST', article_redirect='', article_username='phpwcms webmaster', article_notitle=1, article_hidesummary=0, article_image='a:8:{s:8:"tmpllist";s:7:"default";s:8:"tmplfull";s:7:"default";s:4:"name";s:0:"";s:2:"id";i:0;s:5:"width";s:4:"100%";s:6:"height";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:4:"zoom";i:0;}' , article_uid=1 WHERE article_id=24;

I tried once more to update the mysql database as I have read is mainly the problem after the upgrade. Each time I execute I get this result:

PHPWCMS UPGRADE SCRIPT (release 1.1-RC4 22-06-2004)

Before updating backup all phpwcms files AND complete database.
Sometimes it might be better you check and update sql files manually.

Chosse another SQL file...

-- ERROR --
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` ADD `acat_topcount` INT NOT NULL;
-- ERROR --
CREATE TABLE `phpwcms_guestbook` (
`guestbook_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`guestbook_cid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`guestbook_msg` text NOT NULL,
`guestbook_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`guestbook_email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`guestbook_created` varchar(14) NOT NULL default '',
`guestbook_trashed` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`guestbook_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`guestbook_id`)
) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `phpwcms_newsletter`;CREATE TABLE `phpwcms_newsletter` (
`newsletter_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`newsletter_subject` text NOT NULL,
`newsletter_changed` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
`newsletter_vars` mediumblob NOT NULL,
`newsletter_trashed` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`newsletter_id`)
-- ERROR --
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` ADD `acat_ssl` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL;
-- ERROR --
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` ADD `acat_regonly` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` CHANGE `acat_name` `acat_name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;
-- ERROR --
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_article` ADD `article_notitle` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_user` CHANGE `usr_pass` `usr_pass` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_article` CHANGE `article_subtitle` `article_subtitle` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_article` CHANGE `article_title` `article_title` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_article` CHANGE `article_keyword` `article_keyword` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_article` CHANGE `article_summary` `article_summary` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_article` CHANGE `article_redirect` `article_redirect` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_title` `acontent_title` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_text` `acontent_text` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_alink` `acontent_alink` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_html` `acontent_html` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_image` `acontent_image` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_files` `acontent_files` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_subtitle` `acontent_subtitle` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_redirect` `acontent_redirect` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_media` `acontent_media` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_form` `acontent_form` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_newsletter` `acontent_newsletter` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_before` `acontent_before` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_after` `acontent_after` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_type` `acontent_type` INT( 10 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` CHANGE `acat_name` `acat_name` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` CHANGE `acat_info` `acat_info` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` CHANGE `acat_alias` `acat_alias` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_subscription` CHANGE `subscription_name` `subscription_name` TEXT NOT NULL;
-- ERROR --
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_newsletter` CHANGE `newsletter_name` `newsletter_name` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_newsletter` CHANGE `newsletter_subject` `newsletter_subject` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_address` CHANGE `address_name` `address_name` TEXT NOT NULL;
-- ERROR --
CREATE TABLE `phpwcms_blog` (
`blog_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`blog_cid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`blog_created` varchar(14) NOT NULL default '',
`blog_changed` varchar(14) NOT NULL default '',
`blog_editor` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`blog_var` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`blog_active` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`blog_trashed` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`blog_id`)

Is there anything what I can do, without reinstalling everything. I do have other data in the database than phpwcms, so I hope there is something can be done.
I am not that much familiar with altering mysql settings with phpmyadmin, but may be as everything else is working, there is only a little thing to do.

Thanks for any help!


Post by Pappnase »


please run all other sql updates also! wich you can call in the via the upgrade.php.
Posts: 7
Joined: Tue 6. Jul 2004, 13:57

It worked!!

Post by IMTREX »


Thank you for the advise, it worked out...

everything seems be all right now...


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