Hello alltogether!
I did upgrade on a working system from RC2 to RC4. Now things are almost working, however the following things are happening and may be somebody can help:
Changes in admin menu for structure are working ok. When changing an article however and then trying to update it a message like this appears:
error while updating article basis information:
UPDATE phpwcms_article SET article_cid=13,article_title='TEST', article_keyword='', article_public=1, article_aktiv=1, article_begin='2004-07-06 13:55:21', article_end='2010-12-31 23:59:59', article_subtitle='', article_summary='TEST', article_redirect='', article_username='phpwcms webmaster', article_notitle=1, article_hidesummary=0, article_image='a:8:{s:8:"tmpllist";s:7:"default";s:8:"tmplfull";s:7:"default";s:4:"name";s:0:"";s:2:"id";i:0;s:5:"width";s:4:"100%";s:6:"height";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:4:"zoom";i:0;}' , article_uid=1 WHERE article_id=24;
I tried once more to update the mysql database as I have read is mainly the problem after the upgrade. Each time I execute I get this result:
PHPWCMS UPGRADE SCRIPT (release 1.1-RC4 22-06-2004)
Before updating backup all phpwcms files AND complete database.
Sometimes it might be better you check and update sql files manually.
Chosse another SQL file...
-- ERROR --
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` ADD `acat_topcount` INT NOT NULL;
-- ERROR --
CREATE TABLE `phpwcms_guestbook` (
`guestbook_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`guestbook_cid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`guestbook_msg` text NOT NULL,
`guestbook_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`guestbook_email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`guestbook_created` varchar(14) NOT NULL default '',
`guestbook_trashed` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`guestbook_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`guestbook_id`)
) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `phpwcms_newsletter`;CREATE TABLE `phpwcms_newsletter` (
`newsletter_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`newsletter_subject` text NOT NULL,
`newsletter_changed` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
`newsletter_vars` mediumblob NOT NULL,
`newsletter_trashed` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`newsletter_id`)
-- ERROR --
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` ADD `acat_ssl` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL;
-- ERROR --
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` ADD `acat_regonly` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` CHANGE `acat_name` `acat_name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;
-- ERROR --
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_article` ADD `article_notitle` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_user` CHANGE `usr_pass` `usr_pass` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_article` CHANGE `article_subtitle` `article_subtitle` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_article` CHANGE `article_title` `article_title` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_article` CHANGE `article_keyword` `article_keyword` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_article` CHANGE `article_summary` `article_summary` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_article` CHANGE `article_redirect` `article_redirect` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_title` `acontent_title` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_text` `acontent_text` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_alink` `acontent_alink` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_html` `acontent_html` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_image` `acontent_image` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_files` `acontent_files` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_subtitle` `acontent_subtitle` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_redirect` `acontent_redirect` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_media` `acontent_media` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_form` `acontent_form` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_newsletter` `acontent_newsletter` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_before` `acontent_before` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_after` `acontent_after` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecontent` CHANGE `acontent_type` `acontent_type` INT( 10 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` CHANGE `acat_name` `acat_name` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` CHANGE `acat_info` `acat_info` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` CHANGE `acat_alias` `acat_alias` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_subscription` CHANGE `subscription_name` `subscription_name` TEXT NOT NULL;
-- ERROR --
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_newsletter` CHANGE `newsletter_name` `newsletter_name` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_newsletter` CHANGE `newsletter_subject` `newsletter_subject` TEXT NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_address` CHANGE `address_name` `address_name` TEXT NOT NULL;
-- ERROR --
CREATE TABLE `phpwcms_blog` (
`blog_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`blog_cid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`blog_created` varchar(14) NOT NULL default '',
`blog_changed` varchar(14) NOT NULL default '',
`blog_editor` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`blog_var` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`blog_active` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`blog_trashed` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`blog_id`)
Is there anything what I can do, without reinstalling everything. I do have other data in the database than phpwcms, so I hope there is something can be done.
I am not that much familiar with altering mysql settings with phpmyadmin, but may be as everything else is working, there is only a little thing to do.
Thanks for any help!
Problems after upgrade
It worked!!
Thank you for the advise, it worked out...
everything seems be all right now...

Thank you for the advise, it worked out...
everything seems be all right now...