I'm going crazy trying to figure phpwcms out

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I'm going crazy trying to figure phpwcms out

Post by marian »

Being a total php ignoramus, thus incapable of installing anything, I've been trying all the Fantastico installable CMS scripts my host offers. None except this one satisfied my number one need: ie. very fast uploading of news articles. I discovered that this one does that whilst trying out your demo.
The problem is that, now that Fantastico has installed pwpwcms on my site, I cannot see the first article I uploaded. You'll see what I mean if you go to http://www.bymnews.com/phpwcms/ , where you'll get a blank screen.
Also, the demo I tried allowed uploading of pix, from the PC, whilst creating an article (that was a huge plus), but the version Fantastico has installed for me only has a facility for entering a pic URL.
My second major requirement is a script idiot friendly CMS and, when I read your motive behind creating this script, I thought it was the answer to the proverbial maiden's prayer, but I dont find it the least bit friendly; I cant even figure out how to create a new page!
I've looked at the sites created using phpwcms and am really impressed, but I'm beginning to think these were created by php experts and that this is not really a script for morons like me. Am I right?
To add to my woes, I cant even find your link to the demo I tried, anymore. :(
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Post by frold »

well you need to create a template before you can see any content....

else try to installl the sample database file

setup / sample_template_db / phpwcms_init.sql try to use that instead of the database you have now...
http://www.studmed.dk Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark
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Post by marian »

frold wrote:well you need to create a template before you can see any content....

else try to installl the sample database file

setup / sample_template_db / phpwcms_init.sql try to use that instead of the database you have now...
I think you've answered my question about whether phpwcms is really for php idiots, like me. I dont have a clue about creating templates, nor about installing database files.
Thanks for responding, its made me realise I need to continue the search for a CMS that fits my needs.
Ciao, marian
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Post by frold »

marian wrote: Thanks for responding, its made me realise I need to continue the search for a CMS that fits my needs.
Ciao, marian
I think it is pretty naiv to think you can find a cms that fits your needs if you don´t know any html or even want to spent some time testing the system. I think phpwcms is one of the most userfriendly cms you will find...
But it is up to you - but soon we will see you again :wink:
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Post by macangelo »

Hi Marian,

don't be to scared of creating templates. The templates just define, what you want to show:

Make a new template, insert "{NAV_TABLE_COLUMN}" into the form field "left, insert "{CONTENT}" into the field "main".

This should show your article (the content-thing tells the html page to insert it here) plus your navigation (that's what the nav_table_colomn-thing is for).

Then you can think about more design...

Good luck

Webdesign from Düsseldorf - made with phpwcms (most of it):
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Too much for me

Post by marian »

It isn't that I dont see it's potential, from all those super sites I've looked at, its just that it isn't suitable for me. I work 16 hours a day as it is, so I simply cannot spend time discovering how to create templates and navigation etc. Anyway, I'd drive you all mad with questions. :lol:
I thought this would be like Mambo, which you can literally start using right away, without having to delve into the php.
I think I'll just have to stick with my NetFusion built sits and database driven News services. :cry:
Shame, you seem a nice bunch of people. Maybe I'll be back one day, when things have progressed!
PS. The really, really strange thing is that when I looked at my blank page this morning, it wasn't blank anymore; my test article was there and I hadn't done anything!!! :roll:

Re: Too much for me

Post by Pappnase »

marian wrote:It isn't that I dont see it's potential, from all those super sites I've looked at, its just that it isn't suitable for me. I work 16 hours a day as it is, so I simply cannot spend time discovering how to create templates and navigation etc. Anyway, I'd drive you all mad with questions. :lol:
I thought this would be like Mambo, which you can literally start using right away, without having to delve into the php.
I think I'll just have to stick with my NetFusion built sits and database driven News services. :cry:
Shame, you seem a nice bunch of people. Maybe I'll be back one day, when things have progressed!
PS. The really, really strange thing is that when I looked at my blank page this morning, it wasn't blank anymore; my test article was there and I hadn't done anything!!! :roll:

you can't compare mambo and phpwcms. also i think mambo is more an portal system with things you don't really need. and phpwcms is very easy to handle. and oliver has so much ideas but his day has only 24 H. :wink:

look here what he plan
also you fins there a little docu wich enough for starting if there problems you have the template sql file where you see a few things!



and at last you find in the signature of this post an replacement tag list.
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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

If you can create web pages - then you have the potential to create a template too. All you have to think about when creating a template is - where should be my content. Everything else is the same as with any website. BUt it's more easy because when creating a normal website you also have to think about any possible link and so on...

Have a look at this page:

Download the sample form there.

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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Post by marian »

All you have to think about when creating a template is - where should be my content. Everything else is the same as with any website. BUt it's more easy because when creating a normal website you also have to think about any possible link and so on...
OK Oliver, I'll have a look at that next weekend, the only times I get to be able to do a bit of extra work (I'm sure you know the feeling).
What you say above isn't quite correct. I do know a little HTML, but with NetFusion - which I use to create and change our two sites - it wouldn't matter if I didn't, I'd still be able to do it. Also, I dont have to think about links because the nav is automatically created and I can choose various levels - current, child, so on - with a mouse click.
I'd be happy to continue to use NF forever, but my boss says our sites look old fashioned and I have to agree, because CMS sites are "the in thing". What I need is the CMS equivalent of NF, but I dont think it exists.
PS. What is the link to that demo I found and cant find again? :wink:
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Post by frold »

marian wrote: PS. What is the link to that demo I found and cant find again? :wink:
http://www.phpwcms.de/forum/viewtopic.p ... light=demo
http://www.studmed.dk Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark

Post by Pappnase »

marian wrote: OK Oliver, I'll have a look at that next weekend, the only times I get to be able to do a bit of extra work (I'm sure you know the feeling).
What you say above isn't quite correct. I do know a little HTML, but with NetFusion - which I use to create and change our two sites - it wouldn't matter if I didn't, I'd still be able to do it. Also, I dont have to think about links because the nav is automatically created and I can choose various levels - current, child, so on - with a mouse click.
I'd be happy to continue to use NF forever, but my boss says our sites look old fashioned and I have to agree, because CMS sites are "the in thing". What I need is the CMS equivalent of NF, but I dont think it exists.
PS. What is the link to that demo I found and cant find again? :wink:
hello marian

to know a little html is quite enough i would say if you know how to create tables you're able to create an template for phpwcms :wink:
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Post by peteinman »

it wouldn't matter if I didn't, I'd still be able to do it. Also, I dont have to think about links because the nav is automatically created and I can choose various levels - current, child, so on - with a mouse click.
I'm not an HTML expert either, but I don't have to worry about it with phpwcms, nor do I worry about menu structures or anything. It used to take me 4 or 5 hours to update an html site with dreamweaver, static pages etc for a community website.

It now takes me 20 minutes now I have phpwcms running! I also get a full site search with no extra work, and loads of other stuff.

If you can, it really is worth spending the time to get it going.

Apart from the initial setup, the hardest part I find, is the templates and structures - but that is mainly to do with mylack of html knowledge.

I had masses of help from these forums and was never made to feel guilty about only asking questions. I got it working after a few days (evenings only!), and that was mainly as I had never worked with php/cgi or anything funcky like that...pure windows!

It's really is worth getting it going....

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Post by peteinman »

This is worth considering if you have too much trouble;


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Thanks again everyone

Post by marian »

I'll definitely persevere with this, having been encouraged by what you all have said. Especially because I've never come across a forum like this, which doesn't treat computer language illiterates like they were some lower form of life.
Given that most posters are Germanic, the next time someone tells me that Germans are rude, arrogant and unhelpful I shall have something very forceful to say.
By the way Oliver, I've notice a few small grammer/syntax errors in your English sections, if you would like to run any English translations by me I'd be happy to correct them. Sorry I cant offer a full transjation service but my German is of the "Gibt is hier eine briefkasten" level! :wink:

Re: Thanks again everyone

Post by Pappnase »

marian wrote: By the way Oliver, I've notice a few small grammer/syntax errors in your English sections, if you would like to run any English translations by me I'd be happy to correct them. Sorry I cant offer a full transjation service but my German is of the "Gibt is hier eine briefkasten" level! :wink:

did you mean the tag list in my signature!? thats not from oliver :wink:
but if you would help it would be nice so i would you send the html file*smile*
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