Error after migrating site to new hosting.

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Joined: Tue 20. Jun 2023, 19:02

Error after migrating site to new hosting.

Post by diegofvg »

Hey guys. I need help. I don't know what else to do.

I migrated the site to a new server. But the domain remains the same.

I created the database and imported the data with the correct charset and collation.

I updated the configuration file for the new database.

The document root is configured as $phpwcms['DOC_ROOT'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];

All files and directories currently have 777 permissions.

When accessing the URL of the site,, a file called download.bin is available

When I open this file in notepad, I have the following code:

Code: Select all

 * phpwcms content management system
 * @author Oliver Georgi <>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Oliver Georgi
 * @license GNU GPL-2
 * @link
// set page processiong start time
//error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);

list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
$phpwcms_rendering_start = $usec + $sec;

// define some general vars
$content 			= array();
$phpwcms 			= array();
$BL					= array();
$template_default	= array();
$indexpage			= array();

// load general configuration
$basepath			= str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__));
if(!is_file($basepath.'/config/phpwcms/')) {
	if(is_file($basepath.'/setup/index.php')) {
		header('Location: setup/index.php');
	die('Error: Config file missing. Check your setup!');
require_once $basepath.'/config/phpwcms/';
require_once $basepath.'/include/inc_lib/';
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/';

// Get user Agent BOT check
$IS_A_BOT = $phpwcms['USER_AGENT']['bot'];

// start session - neccessary if frontend users are available
// but neccessary also to check if a bot is visiting the site
// -> if so then do not initialize session for larger search engines
if(!$IS_A_BOT && (!empty($phpwcms['SESSION_FEinit']) || isset($_GET['phpwcms-preview']))) {

// some initial actions
define('FE_CURRENT_URL', abs_url(array(),array('phpwcms_output_action')) );

// init some special rights and also frontend edit

// buffer everything

$content['page_end'] = '';

require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/config/phpwcms/';
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/config/phpwcms/';
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/';
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/';
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/';
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/';
require PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/';
require PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/';
require PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/';
require PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/';

// SEO logging
if(!empty($phpwcms['enable_seolog']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) === false) {
	$phpwcms['seo_referrer_data'] = seReferrer( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] );
	if( is_array( $phpwcms['seo_referrer_data'] ) ) {
		$phpwcms['seo_referrer_data']['hash'] = md5(strtolower($phpwcms['seo_referrer_data']['domain'].$phpwcms['seo_referrer_data']['query']));
		@_dbInsert('phpwcms_log_seo', $phpwcms['seo_referrer_data'], 'DELAYED');

$phpwcms["templates"]    = TEMPLATE_PATH;
$content['page_start']   = sprintf(
	str_replace( '{DOCTYPE_LANG}', $phpwcms['DOCTYPE_LANG'], PHPWCMS_DOCTYPE_LANG ) . ' id="'.str_replace(array('.','/'), '-', PHPWCMS_HOST).'"',
	empty($content['htmltag_inject']) ? '' : ' '.$content['htmltag_inject'],
	sprintf(empty($phpwcms['header_comment']) ? '' : LF . '	' . trim($phpwcms['header_comment']) . LF),

// Google tag manager (head)
$tag_head = get_dados('dados_analytics');

    $content['page_start'] .= LF.$tag_head.LF;

// Compatibility Mode
if(!empty($phpwcms['X-UA-Compatible'])) {
	$content['page_start']  .= '  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="' . $phpwcms['X-UA-Compatible'] . '"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE.LF;

// HTML5 does not like content-style-type
if($phpwcms['mode_XHTML'] != 3) {
	$content['page_start']  .= '  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="' . $_use_content_type . '; charset='.PHPWCMS_CHARSET.'"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE.LF;
	$content['page_start']  .= '  <meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE.LF;
} else {
	$content['page_start']  .= '  <meta charset="' . PHPWCMS_CHARSET . '"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE.LF;

// Viewport setting

if(!empty($phpwcms['viewport'])) {
	$content['page_start']  .= '  <meta name="viewport" content="' . $phpwcms['viewport'] . '"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE.LF;

// Base Href
if(!empty($phpwcms['base_href'])) {

	if($phpwcms['base_href'] === true) {
		$content['page_start'] .= '  <base href="'.PHPWCMS_URL.'"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE . LF;
	} else {
		$content['page_start'] .= '  <base href="'.$phpwcms['base_href'].'"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE . LF;
		$phpwcms['base_href']   = true;

} else {

	$phpwcms['base_href'] = false;


$content['page_start']  .= '  <title>'.html_specialchars($content["pagetitle"]).'</title>'.LF;

// Deprecated custom page CSS
$content['page_start']  .= get_body_attributes($pagelayout);

// Add all CSS files here
if(count($block['css'])) {
	foreach($block['css'] as $value) {
		$content['page_start'] .= '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/' . str_replace(' ', '%20', $value) . '"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE.LF;

$content['page_start'] .= $block["htmlhead"].$block["htmlhead_ext"];

if($phpwcms['USER_AGENT']['agent'] == 'IE' && !empty($phpwcms['IE7-js']) && version_compare($phpwcms['USER_AGENT']['version'], '9.0', '<')) {
	$content['page_start'] .= '  <!--[if lt IE 9]><script type="text/javascript" src="'.TEMPLATE_PATH.'lib/ie7-js/IE9.js"></script><![endif]-->'.LF;

$content['page_start'] .= '</head>'.LF;

if(!$phpwcms['base_href'] && $phpwcms['rewrite_url'] && strpos($content['page_start'], '<base href') === false) {
	$content['page_start'] = str_replace('<title>', '<base href="'.PHPWCMS_URL.'"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE . LF . '  <title>', $content['page_start']);

// inject body tag in case of class or id attribute
$body_inject = '<body';
if($content['body_id'] !== false) {
	if(!empty($template_default['body']['id'])) {
		$body_inject .= ' id="'.$template_default['body']['id'].$content['body_id'].'"';
	if(!empty($template_default['body']['class'])) {
		$body_inject .= ' class="'.$template_default['body']['class'].$content['body_id'].'"';
$content['page_start'] .= $body_inject.'>'.LF;

// Google tag manager (body)
$tag_body = get_dados('dados_webmaster');

    $content['page_start'] .= $tag_body.LF;

//  this regex's inits rewrite
	$content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/( href| action)(="index.php\?)([a-zA-Z0-9@,\.\+\-_\*#\/%=&;]+?)"/', 'url_search', $content["all"]);
	$content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/onclick="location.href=\'index.php\?([a-zA-Z0-9@,\.\+\-_\*#\/%=&;]+?)\'/', 'js_url_search', $content["all"]);
	if(PHPWCMS_REWRITE_EXT && strpos($content["all"], PHPWCMS_REWRITE_EXT.'&amp;')) {
		$content['all'] = str_replace(PHPWCMS_REWRITE_EXT.'&amp;', PHPWCMS_REWRITE_EXT.'?', $content["all"]);

// real page ending
if(count($block['bodyjs'])) {
	$content['page_end'] .= implode(LF, $block['bodyjs']);
if(!empty($phpwcms['browser_check']['fe'])) {
	$block['htmlfooter'] .= '<script'.SCRIPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.'> var $buoop = {';
	if(!empty($phpwcms['browser_check']['vs'])) {
		$block['htmlfooter'] .= 'vs:' . $phpwcms['browser_check']['vs'];
	$block['htmlfooter'] .= '}; </script><script'.SCRIPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.' src=""></script>';
$content['page_end'] .= LF.$block['htmlfooter'].LF.'</body>'.LF.'</html>';

if(!empty($phpwcms['render_clean_html'])) {
	$content['all'] = preg_replace('/<!--.+?-->/s', '', $content['all']);

// return rendered content
echo $content['page_start'];
echo $content["all"];
echo $content['page_end'];

// phpwcms Default header settings
if($phpwcms['cache_timeout']) {
	header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $phpwcms['cache_timeout']) .' GMT');
	header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', empty($row['article_date']) ? time() : $row['article_date']) .' GMT');
	header('Cache-Control: public, max-age='.$phpwcms['cache_timeout']);
	header('Pragma: public');

// write phpwcms release information in a custom HTTP header
header('X-phpwcms-Release: ' . PHPWCMS_VERSION);

// retrieve complete processing time
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
header('X-phpwcms-Page-Processed-In: ' . number_format(1000*($usec + $sec - $phpwcms_rendering_start), 3) .' ms');

// print PDF
if($aktion[2] === 1 && defined('PRINT_PDF') && PRINT_PDF) {

	require_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/');

// handle output action and section
} elseif($phpwcms['output_action']) {

	if(empty($phpwcms['output_function_filter']) || !is_array($phpwcms['output_function_filter'])) {
		$phpwcms['output_function_filter'] = array('trim', 'strip_tags');

	$phpwcms['output_function'] = array_intersect($phpwcms['output_function_filter'], $phpwcms['output_function']);

	$content = ob_get_clean();

	$sections = '';

	foreach($phpwcms['output_section'] as $section) {

		$section = get_tmpl_section($section, $content);

		foreach($phpwcms['output_function'] as $function) {
			$section = $function($section);

		$sections .= $section;

	// Return sections content ONLY
	echo $sections;


// send buffer to browser

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Oliver Georgi
Site Admin
Posts: 9900
Joined: Fri 3. Oct 2003, 22:22

Re: Error after migrating site to new hosting.

Post by Oliver Georgi »

Sounds like there is a problem with your php installation.

Check what happens if you upload a file i.php

Code: Select all

to the document root and try to load it using:

Usually 777 for everything isn't required. Also remember to copy hidden files like .htaccess to the new system. Ensure that the PHP version on the new systems meets the one from the older hosting.
Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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