Basic Questions?

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Basic Questions?

Post by kelley »

Hello, I am some what new to CMS packages. I was able to get phpwcms up and running on OSX with help from Jérôme.

Now that I have had a chance to play around with it, I must say that it is great. It is just what I was looking for and not bloated with features I don't need like the others. Great Job to the Dev team!

But I have a couple of questions. My current site is run my Magnolia and its pretty much a love hate relationship. I love how easy it was to setup and use. I have the fact it uses Java and dies everynow and then and my ISP has to kill wild threads and restart the service.

Anyway. I would like to know how easy it would be to make phpwmcs look just like this site does? The site is Also can someone explain how to make the nav on the right stay open on each page and show the sub directories?

Also I picked up a client how needs want a site rebuilt and figured this would be great for them. They know nothing about html but want to be able to add there own content. this site is They would just add and delete jobs as they have them.

Thanks for the help and I hope this is the correct forum, :-)

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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

Your sample sites are typical sites I have developed phpwcms for.

First site's template can be done within 10 minutes (if your are trained - a bit).

Try use {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN} for your first tests - navigation.

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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Post by frold »

phpwcms match perfect to your site designs you will love it.. welcome to the club ;-) Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark
Posts: 33
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Another Question

Post by kelley »

I have now taken a little more time building a learning. And now have a few more guestions.

Is there a way to make the content on the right change for every page in the site.

Well okay, its only one question at this time.


Post by Pappnase »

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Joined: Thu 13. May 2004, 08:02

Post by kelley »

That looks like it. :-) But the link to the sample is giving me a MySQL error.



Post by Pappnase »

kelley wrote:That looks like it. :-) But the link to the sample is giving me a MySQL error.


hello now you see the samle at :wink:
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