PHPWCMS I'm addicted to it and hate it too

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PHPWCMS I'm addicted to it and hate it too

Post by harry1963 »

There's no better Content Management System than PHPWCMS. That's simple for me.

So... I love this system.

On the other side... There's probably no other content mangement system whit such a bad user documentation as PHPWCMS.
People wonder why PHPWCMS is not as hot or hotter than, for instance, Joomla. This is why

Just trie to find an answer for a module. You probably will drown in lots of chibba chabba about almost every detail of the to be answered module-question but wont find a answer.

Still PHPWCMS is great and there no domain where I trie it. Pitty enough most of the time I install another CMS on a domain before is start throwing my computers out of the window.

And you know.. its easy to complain. But when there's something to complain... there's also something to solve.

This is why I offer my services for free to PHPWCMS and I'll start writing a good, simple and clear manual about anything for every user.

So if there's anyone who has a good explenation abot something (anything) in the PHPWCMS system... please post it to me.

You will help me and lots of other users to get started whit PHPWCMS and make a succes of their use of this system.

Just because.... PHPWCMS is the best and earns it to be the number one of all CMSses!
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Re: PHPWCMS I'm addicted to it and hate it too

Post by nameless1 »

its a pleasure for me to invited you to write with us!
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