delete unused images

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delete unused images

Post by marses »

Would it be possible to implement the following features?

1. Automaticaly delete generated thumbnails from phpwcms_tmp\thumb_list and phpwcms_tmp\thumb_preview on deletion of original image from trash. Also delete it from phpwcms_filestorage. It seems that now deleted image is left there.

2. Notify if image is used in content (but allow deleting the original one).

3. Option to list (and delete) images that are not used in any content.

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Oliver Georgi
Site Admin
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Joined: Fri 3. Oct 2003, 22:22

Post by Oliver Georgi »

I plan such function - but only for admin: trash all unused stuff. But this needs time - other things are more important at the moment. Sorry.

With such function any none used content/file/temp image will be deleted.

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
Posts: 26
Joined: Wed 5. Nov 2003, 09:53
Location: Dorking, England

Post by marses »
