This feature should be depending on browser languageJensensen wrote:I don't get any auto-translations neither with calendar nor with the google maps.
cmCalendar Module
Re: cmCalendar Module
It's mostly all about maintaining two or three customer's sites Still supporter for the band Mykket Morton. Visit Mykket Morton on FB. Listen Mykket Morton and live videos on youtube.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Re: cmCalendar Module
breitsch is still alive!
but I'm very busy and there's not much time left.
I try to help whenever I can, but right now I need a week or so to answer.
The Probs of Jensensen should be fixed, can't say exactly what it was, though.
but I'm very busy and there's not much time left.
I try to help whenever I can, but right now I need a week or so to answer.
The Probs of Jensensen should be fixed, can't say exactly what it was, though.
Re: cmCalendar Module
Bei mir tritt genau derselbe Fehler auf - hat hier jemand eine Lösung für?Jensensen wrote:Betroffen ist wohl nur der Content Part:
Bereits beim Aufruf, aber auch beim Speichern erhalte ich folgenden Fehler:Ich konnte auch folgendes beobachten bei:Code: Select all
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in .../include/inc_module/mod_cm_calendar/inc/cnt.form.php on line 43
event listing
selection: [ALL][DEFAULT]... usw., nur diese Einstellungen, werden nicht übernommen.
Vielen Dank im vorraus!
Re: cmCalendar Module
Hi breitsch,
schön, das Du an den Modulen auch weiterhin arbeitest.
funktioniert bei mir nur mit der "alten" include/inc_module/mod_cm_calendar/backend.default.php
mit der ursprünglichen/aktuellen/originären Datei
erscheint der fehler
schön, das Du an den Modulen auch weiterhin arbeitest.
funktioniert bei mir nur mit der "alten" include/inc_module/mod_cm_calendar/backend.default.php
Code: Select all
Copyright notice
(c) 2002-2007 Oliver Georgi ( // All rights reserved.
This script is part of PHPWCMS. The PHPWCMS web content management system is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU General Public License can be found at
A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
cmCalendar Module v1 by breitsch - webrealisierung gmbh ( 2009
License: GNU General Public License version 2, or (at your option) any later version
This script is a module for PHPWCMS.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
* module br_cm_calendar
* =====================
* some defaults for modules: $phpwcms['modules'][$module]
* store all related in here and holds some default values
* ['path'], ['type'], ['name']
* language values are store in $BL['modules'][$module]
* as defined in lang/en.lang.php
* but maybe to keep default language file more lightweight
* you can use own language definitions starting within this file
* include/inc_module/mod_cm_calendar/backend.default.php
// first check if exists
if(isset($phpwcms['modules'][$module]['path'])) {
//module default stuff
// put translation back to have easier access to it - use it as relation
$BLM = & $BL['modules'][$module];
define('MODULE_HREF', 'phpwcms.php?do=modules&module='.$module);
//get functions for module (backend nodule section only)
$BE['HEADER']['module_calendar.css'] = ' <link href="'.$phpwcms['modules'][$module]['dir'].'template/css/backend.calendar.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">';
// first check if neccessary db exists
// ceate main db table
$sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_cmcalendar_categories` (
`cm_cat_id` tinyint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`cm_cat_created` datetime NOT NULL,
`cm_cat_changed` datetime NOT NULL,
`cm_cat_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`cm_cat_status` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`cm_cat_id`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM"._dbGetCreateCharsetCollation();
// if (mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query('SHOW TABLES FROM ' . $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['db_table'] . ' LIKE "%phpwcms_cmcalendar_categories"'))) {
$plugin = array();
// load special backend CSS
//$BE['HEADER'][] = ' <link href="include/inc_css/tabs.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />';
//where to?
$controller = empty($_GET['controller']) ? 'cal' : strtolower($_GET['controller']);
if(isset($_GET['edit'])) {
$action = 'edit';
} elseif(isset($_GET['editset'])) {
$action = 'editset';
} elseif(isset($_GET['update'])) {
$action = 'update';
} elseif(isset($_GET['verify'])) {
$action = 'status';
} elseif(isset($_GET['verifyset'])) {
$action = 'statusset';
} elseif(isset($_GET['upload'])) {
$action = 'upload';
} elseif(isset($_GET['delete'])) {
$action = 'delete';
} elseif(isset($_GET['deleteset'])) {
$action = 'deleteset';
} else {
$action = '';
switch($controller) {
case 'cal': $controller = 'cal';
case 'events': $controller = 'events';
case 'lang': $controller = 'lang';
case 'about': $controller = 'about';
default: $controller = 'cal';
// some defaults - unset session vars
//unset($_SESSION['detail_page'], $_SESSION['list_active'], $_SESSION['list_inactive'], $_SESSION['filter']);
// processing
if( $action ) {
include_once($phpwcms['modules'][$module]['path'].'inc/processing.' . $controller . '.inc.php');
// header
// listing
if($action) {
include_once($phpwcms['modules'][$module]['path'].'inc/'.$action.'.' . $controller . '.inc.php');
} else {
include_once($phpwcms['modules'][$module]['path'].'inc/listing.' . $controller . '.inc.php');
} else if (_dbQuery($sql, 'CREATE')) { //create table
$sql_cm = array();
$sql_cm[1] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_cmcalendar_events` (
`cm_events_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`cm_events_created` datetime NOT NULL,
`cm_events_changed` datetime NOT NULL,
`cm_events_date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
`cm_events_span` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
`cm_events_time` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`cm_events_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`cm_events_category` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`cm_events_image` text NOT NULL,
`cm_events_location` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`cm_events_description` text NOT NULL,
`cm_events_extrainfo` text NOT NULL,
`cm_events_approved` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`cm_events_setid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`cm_events_userId` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`cm_events_article` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`cm_events_dat_undef` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
`cm_events_allcals` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`cm_events_status` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`cm_events_id`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM"._dbGetCreateCharsetCollation();
$sql_cm[2] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_cmcalendar_language` (
`cm_lang_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`cm_lang_status` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`cm_lang_createdate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`cm_lang_changedate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`cm_lang_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`cm_lang_loc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`cm_lang_sys` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`cm_lang_lang` text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`cm_lang_id`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM"._dbGetCreateCharsetCollation();
$lang_en = 'a:44:{s:12:"cm_lang_cale";s:8:"Calendar";s:12:"cm_lang_date";s:4:"Date";s:12:"cm_lang_span";s:15:"Duration # days";s:12:"cm_lang_titl";s:5:"Title";s:12:"cm_lang_time";s:4:"Time";s:12:"cm_lang_loca";s:8:"Location";s:12:"cm_lang_desc";s:11:"Description";s:12:"cm_lang_noen";s:16:"No entries found";s:12:"cm_lang_noca";s:17:"No calendar found";s:18:"cm_lang_dateformat";s:5:"d-m-Y";s:12:"cm_lang_prnt";s:5:"Print";s:12:"cm_lang_ical";s:9:"ICalendar";s:12:"cm_lang_artl";s:12:"Article link";s:12:"cm_lang_lbut";s:2:"<<";s:12:"cm_lang_rbut";s:2:">>";s:12:"cm_lang_bckl";s:4:"back";s:12:"cm_lang_lstl";s:6:"Detail";s:12:"cm_lang_slct";s:9:"Selection";s:12:"cm_lang_undf";s:4:"in #";s:16:"cm_lang_slct_all";s:11:"all entries";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_am";s:12:"actual month";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_ay";s:11:"actual year";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_nm";s:12:"next # month";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_ny";s:12:"next # years";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_lm";s:12:"last # month";s:11:"cm_lang_jan";s:7:"January";s:11:"cm_lang_feb";s:8:"February";s:11:"cm_lang_mar";s:5:"March";s:11:"cm_lang_apr";s:5:"April";s:11:"cm_lang_may";s:3:"May";s:11:"cm_lang_jun";s:4:"June";s:11:"cm_lang_jul";s:4:"July";s:11:"cm_lang_aug";s:6:"August";s:11:"cm_lang_sep";s:9:"September";s:11:"cm_lang_oct";s:7:"October";s:11:"cm_lang_nov";s:8:"November";s:11:"cm_lang_dec";s:8:"December";s:11:"cm_lang_mon";s:6:"Monday";s:11:"cm_lang_tue";s:7:"Tuesday";s:11:"cm_lang_wed";s:9:"Wednesday";s:11:"cm_lang_thu";s:8:"Thursday";s:11:"cm_lang_fri";s:6:"Friday";s:11:"cm_lang_sat";s:8:"Saturday";s:11:"cm_lang_sun";s:6:"Sunday";}';
$lang_es = 'a:44:{s:12:"cm_lang_cale";s:10:"Calendario";s:12:"cm_lang_date";s:5:"Fecha";s:12:"cm_lang_span";s:16:"Duratión # dias";s:12:"cm_lang_titl";s:7:"Título";s:12:"cm_lang_time";s:4:"Hora";s:12:"cm_lang_loca";s:5:"Lugar";s:12:"cm_lang_desc";s:12:"Descriptión";s:12:"cm_lang_noen";s:14:"no hay eventos";s:12:"cm_lang_noca";s:28:"no existe ningún calendario";s:18:"cm_lang_dateformat";s:5:"d.m.Y";s:12:"cm_lang_prnt";s:8:"Imprimir";s:12:"cm_lang_ical";s:9:"iCalendar";s:12:"cm_lang_artl";s:12:"vea Articulo";s:12:"cm_lang_lbut";s:2:"<<";s:12:"cm_lang_rbut";s:2:">>";s:12:"cm_lang_bckl";s:5:"atras";s:12:"cm_lang_lstl";s:3:"mas";s:12:"cm_lang_slct";s:10:"Selección";s:12:"cm_lang_undf";s:4:"en #";s:16:"cm_lang_slct_all";s:5:"todos";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_am";s:10:"actual mes";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_ay";s:11:"actual ańo";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_nm";s:15:"proximo # meses";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_ny";s:15:"proximo # ańos";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_lm";s:15:"ultimos # meses";s:11:"cm_lang_jan";s:5:"Enero";s:11:"cm_lang_feb";s:7:"Febrero";s:11:"cm_lang_mar";s:5:"Marzo";s:11:"cm_lang_apr";s:5:"Abril";s:11:"cm_lang_may";s:4:"Mayo";s:11:"cm_lang_jun";s:5:"Junio";s:11:"cm_lang_jul";s:5:"Julio";s:11:"cm_lang_aug";s:6:"Agosto";s:11:"cm_lang_sep";s:10:"Septiembre";s:11:"cm_lang_oct";s:7:"Octubre";s:11:"cm_lang_nov";s:9:"Noviembre";s:11:"cm_lang_dec";s:9:"Diciembre";s:11:"cm_lang_mon";s:5:"Lunes";s:11:"cm_lang_tue";s:6:"Martes";s:11:"cm_lang_wed";s:10:"Miércoles";s:11:"cm_lang_thu";s:6:"Jueves";s:11:"cm_lang_fri";s:7:"Viernes";s:11:"cm_lang_sat";s:7:"Sábado";s:11:"cm_lang_sun";s:7:"Domingo";}';
$lang_fr = 'a:44:{s:12:"cm_lang_cale";s:10:"Calendrier";s:12:"cm_lang_date";s:4:"Date";s:12:"cm_lang_span";s:14:"Durée # jours";s:12:"cm_lang_titl";s:5:"Titre";s:12:"cm_lang_time";s:5:"Temps";s:12:"cm_lang_loca";s:7:"Endroit";s:12:"cm_lang_desc";s:11:"Description";s:12:"cm_lang_noen";s:14:"aucune entrée";s:12:"cm_lang_noca";s:17:"aucune calendrier";s:18:"cm_lang_dateformat";s:5:"d.m.Y";s:12:"cm_lang_prnt";s:8:"Imprimer";s:12:"cm_lang_ical";s:9:"ICalendar";s:12:"cm_lang_artl";s:7:"Article";s:12:"cm_lang_lbut";s:2:"<<";s:12:"cm_lang_rbut";s:2:">>";s:12:"cm_lang_bckl";s:6:"retour";s:12:"cm_lang_lstl";s:6:"Detail";s:12:"cm_lang_slct";s:13:"Sélectionner";s:12:"cm_lang_undf";s:4:"en #";s:16:"cm_lang_slct_all";s:4:"tous";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_am";s:11:"Mois actuel";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_ay";s:15:"Année actuelle";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_nm";s:16:"prochaine # mois";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_ny";s:19:"prochaine # années";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_lm";s:15:"derniere # mois";s:11:"cm_lang_jan";s:7:"Janvier";s:11:"cm_lang_feb";s:8:"Février";s:11:"cm_lang_mar";s:4:"Mars";s:11:"cm_lang_apr";s:5:"Avril";s:11:"cm_lang_may";s:3:"Mai";s:11:"cm_lang_jun";s:4:"Juin";s:11:"cm_lang_jul";s:7:"Juillet";s:11:"cm_lang_aug";s:5:"Août";s:11:"cm_lang_sep";s:9:"Septembre";s:11:"cm_lang_oct";s:7:"Octobre";s:11:"cm_lang_nov";s:8:"Novembre";s:11:"cm_lang_dec";s:9:"Décembre";s:11:"cm_lang_mon";s:5:"Lundi";s:11:"cm_lang_tue";s:5:"Mardi";s:11:"cm_lang_wed";s:8:"Mercredi";s:11:"cm_lang_thu";s:5:"Jeudi";s:11:"cm_lang_fri";s:8:"Vendredi";s:11:"cm_lang_sat";s:6:"Samedi";s:11:"cm_lang_sun";s:8:"Dimanche";}';
$lang_de = 'a:44:{s:12:"cm_lang_cale";s:8:"Kalender";s:12:"cm_lang_date";s:5:"Datum";s:12:"cm_lang_span";s:12:"Dauer # Tage";s:12:"cm_lang_titl";s:5:"Titel";s:12:"cm_lang_time";s:4:"Zeit";s:12:"cm_lang_loca";s:3:"Ort";s:12:"cm_lang_desc";s:12:"Beschreibung";s:12:"cm_lang_noen";s:24:"keine Einträge gefunden";s:12:"cm_lang_noca";s:23:"kein Kalender vorhanden";s:18:"cm_lang_dateformat";s:5:"d.m.Y";s:12:"cm_lang_prnt";s:7:"drucken";s:12:"cm_lang_ical";s:9:"ICalendar";s:12:"cm_lang_artl";s:11:"Artikellink";s:12:"cm_lang_lbut";s:2:"<<";s:12:"cm_lang_rbut";s:2:">>";s:12:"cm_lang_bckl";s:7:"zurück";s:12:"cm_lang_lstl";s:6:"Detail";s:12:"cm_lang_slct";s:7:"Auswahl";s:12:"cm_lang_undf";s:4:"im #";s:16:"cm_lang_slct_all";s:14:"alle Einträge";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_am";s:15:"aktueller Monat";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_ay";s:14:"aktuelles Jahr";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_nm";s:17:"nächste # Monate";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_ny";s:16:"nächste # Jahre";s:15:"cm_lang_slct_lm";s:15:"letzte # Monate";s:11:"cm_lang_jan";s:6:"Januar";s:11:"cm_lang_feb";s:7:"Februar";s:11:"cm_lang_mar";s:5:"März";s:11:"cm_lang_apr";s:5:"April";s:11:"cm_lang_may";s:3:"Mai";s:11:"cm_lang_jun";s:4:"Juni";s:11:"cm_lang_jul";s:4:"Juli";s:11:"cm_lang_aug";s:6:"August";s:11:"cm_lang_sep";s:9:"September";s:11:"cm_lang_oct";s:7:"Oktober";s:11:"cm_lang_nov";s:8:"November";s:11:"cm_lang_dec";s:8:"Dezember";s:11:"cm_lang_mon";s:6:"Montag";s:11:"cm_lang_tue";s:8:"Dienstag";s:11:"cm_lang_wed";s:8:"Mittwoch";s:11:"cm_lang_thu";s:10:"Donnerstag";s:11:"cm_lang_fri";s:7:"Freitag";s:11:"cm_lang_sat";s:7:"Samstag";s:11:"cm_lang_sun";s:7:"Sonntag";}';
$sql_cm[3] = "INSERT INTO `".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_cmcalendar_language` (`cm_lang_id`, `cm_lang_status`, `cm_lang_createdate`, `cm_lang_changedate`, `cm_lang_name`, `cm_lang_loc`, `cm_lang_sys`, `cm_lang_lang`) VALUES
(1, 1, '2009-07-07 00:00:00', '2009-07-07 01:00:00', 'English', 'en', '1', '". $lang_en ."'),
(2, 1, '2009-07-07 00:00:00', '2009-07-07 01:00:00', 'Spanish', 'es', '1', '". $lang_es ."'),
(3, 1, '2009-07-07 00:00:00', '2009-07-07 01:00:00', 'French (France)', 'fr', '1', '". $lang_fr ."'),
(4, 1, '2009-07-07 00:00:00', '2009-07-07 01:00:00', 'German (Germany)', 'de', '1', '". $lang_de ."')";
$sql_error = array();
//create db tables
if(!_dbQuery($sql_cm[1], 'CREATE')) {
$sql_error[1] = '<p class="error">Error creating <b>phpwcms_cmcalendar_events</b> initial database table: '.@htmlentities(@mysql_error(), ENT_QUOTES, PHPWCMS_CHARSET).'</p>';
if(!_dbQuery($sql_cm[2], 'CREATE')) {
$sql_error[2] = '<p class="error">Error creating <b>phpwcms_cmcalendar_language</b> initial database table: '.@htmlentities(@mysql_error(), ENT_QUOTES, PHPWCMS_CHARSET).'</p>';
// insert default settings
if(!isset($sql_error[2]) && !_dbQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_cmcalendar_language", 'COUNT')) {
@_dbQuery($sql_cm[3], 'INSERT');
if(@mysql_error()) {
$sql_error[3] = '<p class="error">Error inserting default <b>phpwcms_cmcalendar_language</b> entries: '.@htmlentities(@mysql_error(), ENT_QUOTES, PHPWCMS_CHARSET).'</p>';
echo '<p class="title">cmCalendar setup</p>';
if(count($sql_error)) {
echo implode(LF, $sql_error);
} else {
echo '<p class="">cmCalendar setup successful. Please click the module link again to start working with the module!</p>';
} else { //not good
echo '<p>'.@htmlentities(@mysql_error(), ENT_QUOTES, PHPWCMS_CHARSET).'</p>';
erscheint der fehler
Code: Select all
Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /is/htdocs/abcXXnn/www/include/inc_module/mod_cm_calendar/backend.default.php on line 78
Re: cmCalendar Module
verwendest du ein DB Prepend?
Re: cmCalendar Module
Re: cmCalendar Module
Krieg ich Server Zugang per PM?
Ich möchte mir das genauer anschauen brauche aber dazu die Fehlemeldungen.
Ich möchte mir das genauer anschauen brauche aber dazu die Fehlemeldungen.
Re: cmCalendar Module
OK, Problem erkannt.
Bei Dir läuft's nun. Ich werde das entsprechend im neuen Release berücksichtigen.
Bei Dir läuft's nun. Ich werde das entsprechend im neuen Release berücksichtigen.
Re: cmCalendar Module
cmCalendar Module Version 1.2.0_r89 is out.
Download, Documentation, Donation on the Wiki ... m_calendar
The Frontend AJAX Minicalender will be sent by email to those who got it for the previous version.
Download, Documentation, Donation on the Wiki ... m_calendar
The Frontend AJAX Minicalender will be sent by email to those who got it for the previous version.
Re: cmCalendar Module
Thanks a lot!

It's mostly all about maintaining two or three customer's sites Still supporter for the band Mykket Morton. Visit Mykket Morton on FB. Listen Mykket Morton and live videos on youtube.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Re: cmCalendar Module
yes, thank you very much, breitsch.
Re: cmCalendar Module
Kleine "Macke" im Backend:
Das Headerbild im Reiter "?" scheint zu breit zu sein... und spreizt das Backend.
Aber natürlich, danke, dass weiter entwickelt wird
Das Headerbild im Reiter "?" scheint zu breit zu sein... und spreizt das Backend.
Aber natürlich, danke, dass weiter entwickelt wird

Re: cmCalendar Module
Really a great tool and everything now works perfect.
I still have a minor problem regarding the settings of the selection field (dropdown in frontend) when I use the Event Listing CP.
For example
[ALL] --> you'll get 'all' or 'alle' as an item in the selection field
[NEXT][2][MONTH] --> you'll get 'next 2 month' or 'in den nächsten 2 Monaten' as an item in the selection field
Unfortunately I couldn't find an example how I can use [YEAR] as a filter.
[ACTUAL][YEAR] --> gives you 'this year' or 'diesem Jahr' and it works fine
[LAST][YEAR] --> doesn't work // there's no item in the selection box
[LAST][1][YEAR] --> doesn't work either
How can I use and work with [YEAR] as filter for the selection box?
Do you have any examples?
I still have a minor problem regarding the settings of the selection field (dropdown in frontend) when I use the Event Listing CP.
For example
[ALL] --> you'll get 'all' or 'alle' as an item in the selection field
[NEXT][2][MONTH] --> you'll get 'next 2 month' or 'in den nächsten 2 Monaten' as an item in the selection field
Unfortunately I couldn't find an example how I can use [YEAR] as a filter.
[ACTUAL][YEAR] --> gives you 'this year' or 'diesem Jahr' and it works fine
[LAST][YEAR] --> doesn't work // there's no item in the selection box
[LAST][1][YEAR] --> doesn't work either
How can I use and work with [YEAR] as filter for the selection box?
Do you have any examples?
Re: cmCalendar Module
YEAR works with ACTUAL and NEXT but not with LASTJensensen wrote:How can I use and work with [YEAR] as filter for the selection box?
do you really need this? who could be interested in such old infos?

'last 12 month' no option?