I wrote a module/Contentpart to include Picasa Webalbum into phpwcms as easy & customizable as contentpart images <div> but without uploading the pictures into filecenter.
The reason was that a client contributed/organized his pictures via Picasa and the Webalbum and shared it to me.
I was too lazy to download and upload every single picture and include it into phpwcms, so I wrote this over the last days.
I gave my best, and I hope you'll find it useful.
Report bugs and share your thoughts.
It should be pretty self-explanatory.
You should know where to find Picasa Userid, Albumid and Authkey in an url of a photoalbum
Install: drop zip content (mod_picasa) into include/inc_module/ folder - thats all! Now you can select it from article contentpart drop down.
Infos and download here
Code: Select all
* retrieve content from any Picasa Webalbum which is public or shared with an authkey.
* get caption and description from the webalbum
* use nearly the same logic like phpwcms internal images < div > contentpart and you can use the same templates so integrate it seamless.
* adjustable picture size, square cropped images, selection of images from album, custom sort via drag n drop
* extendable to render nearly every available data from webalbum (exif, location etc)
* Testing, debugging
* improvements
# v 0.4 beta
- fixed a bug in serilization of selected images.
please note, if you update, you have to reselect your images, sorry.
- set standard values if no thumbsize is given in backend
# v 0.3 beta
- sort images via drag'n'drop in backend
- more imageinfos in backend
- english translation file
# v 0.2 beta
init release