different content in main and right block?

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different content in main and right block?

Post by SNap »

hi again,

i want a news block on the right side, is that possible with the right block or do i have to do that with a table in main block? and how do i get specific contents (news) in there?

'welcome to the real world!' datensysteme-lenk
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End of May - New Phpwcms Release

Post by jsw_nz »

I may not understand correctly what you are refferring to, but my first impression is that you are wanting to do what will be fully supported in the next release. There nas been a lot of discussion about the 'content everywhere' solution and Oliver has stated that he is working on this feature through a more dynamic template structure due out at the end of the month.

Not sure if this helps any.

Cheers, jsw
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Post by SNap »

not now, no ;) :D

but i have seen a few wcms sites with a seperate news section, how do they do that? maybe external-php?? :idea:
'welcome to the real world!' datensysteme-lenk
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Hi SNap

Post by jsw_nz »

Yes, I think that is the way it is done up to now....external.php. Oliver's solution will address this within the scope of phpwcms, hopefully making it more straightforward. I have an external calendar app, which I am going to try to incorporate using an external script. I have briefly read that there are some issues in properly implementing them. As far as I know they depend on the use of output buffering, which in principle can be nested, although I do not know if phpwcms directly supports multiple (nested) calls. Others on the boards would likely give you some tips based on experience. I am new to it.....still learning.

cheers, jsw
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Post by rk »

SNap wrote:... with a seperate news section, how do they do that? maybe external-php?? ...
Yes, right.

My test sample http://www.magicpages.de/wcms4/ works with 3 columns.
Both are invisible chapters in the site structure.

Included in the main page with an external php-script, not very good, but it works at the moment.

But i hope, this will be in the next release. So the external-php is only a "hack".
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