As always breitsch, you are a life savior.
It's works just fine, although I had to hack just a little the code.
The problem was that I end up having this:
1 - Exdata
2 - moo.fx RT inside ExData (with the accordion effect)
3 - SHOW_CONTENT RT inside moo.fx
4 - Flash media player inside SHOW_CONTENT RT
Both moo.fx and Flash media player depend on the js library mootools to do their magic.
So the accordion effect wasn't working and on Firefox the loading info on the bottom on the windows would never end.
I had to go to /include/inc_front/content/ and around line 53 comment this:
Code: Select all
$block['custom_htmlhead']['swfobject.js'] = ' <script src="'.TEMPLATE_PATH.'inc_js/swfobject/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
Then, on the admin area of the site I went to the template and added this to the <head> block:
Code: Select all
<script src="template/inc_js/mootools/mootools.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
This way I was able to make the libraries load on the proper order.
Finally since I have moo.fx to start with the 1st block open I had to return to and around line 241, were we can find this:
Code: Select all
$CNT_TMP .= str_replace('{PLAYER}', '<div id="'.$fmp_data['id'].'">No JavaScript - no Flash Media!</div>'
add replace it with this:
Code: Select all
$CNT_TMP .= str_replace('{PLAYER}', '<div style="height:260px ;" id="'.$fmp_data['id'].'">No JavaScript - no Flash Media!</div>'
Otherwise that initial block would only open with the height of the
No JavaScript - no Flash Media! text line (a mere few pixels) instead off the full height needed for the player.

- before style="height:260px ;"

- after style="height:260px ;"
Take care all.
Pedro Fardilha