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Post by zuker »


I have question regarding News CP .

I am using News CP deep in my site structure. On index page of my site I am trying to show the list of news by using {SHOW_CONTENT:CP,ID} replacement tag. I get the list but unfortunately the news links are wrong. Instead of redirecting to particular page with its own template and news cp (the news link should be:…index.php?2008-2009&newsdetail=20080923-22_news_080923) it always drops me to index page of my site (news link:…index.php?lt&newsdetail=20080923-22_news_080923).

Is there any way to solve this problem?
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Oliver Georgi
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Joined: Fri 3. Oct 2003, 22:22


Post by Oliver Georgi »

set correct target in related news cp.

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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