
Use GitHub to post feature requests for phpwcms.
Posts: 27
Joined: Fri 14. Nov 2003, 17:57
Location: Vor dem Computer


Post by destiny »

Hello Oliver,
you have realised a really nice software so far. I want to post a few things here, which bother me though, but if you don't want to fix them, I'd understand of course :-) :twisted:

Sorry if I overlooked some features (would someone then point me to them?) or if I double-post previous feature requests.

* Editor Option to Return to Previous Window (Also when creating Folders, etc) Automatically ... Annoying to have to click on buttons two times

* For text-mode especially: formatting parameters like the [INT linkto] Link possibility. e.g Something (B in square brackets if this board parses it) B.c. I'm too lazy to do the <P>'s and the <BR>'s of HTML :-) but want to have some emphasizing...

* Option to use "text mode" when text/image article ...

* Direct Link to this bulletin board

* What is very important IMHO: a file / database backup script. So you can export your articles, images, files to the harddrive before installing a new version of PHPWCMS (That last time I had to reinstall it completely, it wouldn't update ... lost the structure which I had done by then)

* List will be continued here ... if I can think of more stuff ...

Thanks for the best CMS for the use I put it to!!
