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Tutorial: Shop Multilingual | Shop mehrsprachig

Posted: Wed 17. Dec 2008, 15:09
by santscho
With the help of "claus" and "swisscheese", I was able to modify the phpwcms webshop for a multilingual website. It is not difficult to do that, but you have to think creative to find a way. Problem: The shop can only address one article for the products and one article for the order process. In a website with two language trees, the shop needs to address 4 articles, for three language trees, six articles. But that is not possible. With a little bit of cheating, it is...

Mit Hilfe von "claus" und "swisscheese" ist es mir gelungen, den shop von phpwcms für eine mehrsprachige website zu modifizieren. Es ist nicht schwer, aber man muss kreativ denken, um den richtigen Lösungsweg zu finden. Problem: Der Shop kann nur ein Artikel für die Produkte und ein Artikel für den Bestellvorgang ansprechen. In einer Website mit zwei Sprachbäumen braucht der Shop 4 Artikel, für drei Sprachen, sechs Artikel. Nicht möglich. Mit ein wenig Mogeln schon...

The site structure | Die Seitenstruktur
1 Homepage (index, ID0)
1 Tree/Baum Deutsch (ID1)
1 Tree/Baum English (ID2)

When you click on "Shop" in the "Deutsch" (German) tree, you will get the the shop completely in German. - Shop and Products. Same in the English Tree.
Klick auf "Shop" im Baum "Deutsch" und Du bekommst den Shop komplett in Deutsch. - Shop und Produkte. Das gleiche im Englischen Baum.

The navigation menues on the website will according to the tree you are in.
Die Navigation-Menüs auf der Webseite entsprechen dem Baum, in dem Du Dich gerade befindest.

Lets start | Lasst uns anfangen...

Part 1 | Teil 1

Posted: Wed 17. Dec 2008, 15:44
by santscho
Prepare phpwcms and the shop for the language switch | phpwcms und den Shop für den Sprachwechsel vorbereiten
In this tutorial, I want to prepare my CMS for two languages. Therefore, you have to do some modifications in the core files of the shop and in the configuration of phpwcms.
In diesem Tutorial möchte ich mein CMS für zwei Sprachen vorbereiten. Dafür muss man ein paar Modifikationen in den core files des shops und in der Konfiguration von phpwcms vornehmen.

Open: config/phpwcms/ and allow phpwcms to use English and German
Öffne: config/phpwcms/ und erlaube phpwcms das Benutzen von Englisch und Deutsch

Code: Select all

$phpwcms['allowed_lang']      = array('en','de');
Open: include/inc_module/mod_shop/frontend.renderer.php and add the code for the language switch.
Öffne: include/inc_module/mod_shop/frontend.renderer.php und füge den code für den Sprachwechsel hinzu.

Replace | Ersetzte (about line | etwa Zeile 783)

Code: Select all

      $payment_options = get_payment_options();
      foreach($payment_options  as $item_key => $row) {
         $mail_customer = render_cnt_template($mail_customer, 'PAYBY_'.strtoupper($item_key), '');

      // store order in database      
      $order_data = array(
         'order_number'      => $order_num,
With | Mit

Code: Select all

      $payment_options = get_payment_options();
      foreach($payment_options  as $item_key => $row) {
         $mail_customer = render_cnt_template($mail_customer, 'PAYBY_'.strtoupper($item_key), '');
      // BEGIN language replacment for customer mail
      if (function_exists('lang_replace'))
         $mail_customer = lang_replace($mail_customer);
         $_tmpl['config']['mail_customer_subject'] = lang_replace($_tmpl['config']['mail_customer_subject']);
      // END language replacment for customer mail

      // store order in database      
      $order_data = array(
         'order_number'      => $order_num,
Replace | Ersetzte (about line | etwa Zeile 965)

Code: Select all

   $_tmpl['cart_small'] = render_cnt_template($_tmpl['cart_small'], 'COUNT', $_cart_count);
   $content['all'] = str_replace('{CART_SMALL}', $_tmpl['cart_small'], $content['all']);

function get_cart_data() {
With | Mit

Code: Select all

   $_tmpl['cart_small'] = render_cnt_template($_tmpl['cart_small'], 'COUNT', $_cart_count);
   $content['all'] = str_replace('{CART_SMALL}', $_tmpl['cart_small'], $content['all']);

// BEGIN language replacement
if (function_exists('lang_replace'))
   $content['all'] = lang_replace($content['all']);
// END language replacement

function get_cart_data() {
Move the file lang_replace.php from template/inc_script/frontend_render/disabled/ to template/inc_script/frontend_render/. Then open the file and replace everything with this script:
Verschiebe die Datei lang_replace.php von template/inc_script/frontend_render/disabled/ nach template/inc_script/frontend_render/- Dann die Datei öffnen und alles mit diesem Skript ersetzten:

Code: Select all


// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
   die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

// set $phpwcms['allowed_lang'] and $phpwcms['default_lang'] in
$language_default         = $phpwcms['default_lang'];
$language_current         = $language_default;
$language_cookie_duration   = 60*60*24*365; // 1 year

if(isset($_GET['lang'])) {
   $language_current = strtolower( substr($_GET['lang'], 0, 2) );
   $_SESSION['phpwcmsFrontendLanguage'] = $language_current;
   setcookie('phpwcmsFrontendLanguage', $language_current, time()+$language_cookie_duration, '/' );
} elseif(isset($_SESSION['phpwcmsFrontendLanguage'])) {
   $language_current   = $_SESSION['phpwcmsFrontendLanguage'];
} elseif(isset($_COOKIE['phpwcmsFrontendLanguage'])) {
   $language_current   = $_COOKIE['phpwcmsFrontendLanguage'];
if(!in_array($language_current, $phpwcms['allowed_lang'])) {
   $language_current   = $language_default;
   $_SESSION['phpwcmsFrontendLanguage'] = $language_current;
   setcookie('phpwcmsFrontendLanguage', $language_current, time()+$language_cookie_duration, '/' );

$content['all']       = lang_replace($content['all']);
$content['pagetitle'] = lang_replace($content['pagetitle']);

function lang_replace($html)
   global $phpwcms, $language_current;
   // init language replacements
   $language_regexp       = array( 'search' => array(), 'replace' => array() );
   // set all language replacements now
   foreach($phpwcms['allowed_lang'] as $lang) {
      $language_regexp['search'][$lang]   = '/\['.$lang.'\](.*?)\[\/'.$lang.'\]/is';
      $language_regexp['replace'][$lang]   = $lang == $language_current ? '$1' : '';
   return preg_replace($language_regexp['search'], $language_regexp['replace'], $html);
The shop has ony access to one template. So, you have to put all languages in one template file. To tell the frontend-renderer.php of the shop, which text is which language, you have to tag everything with the correct language tag. A lot of work! Take care, that you use the same tags like insert in the ('en' and 'de')
Der Shop hat nur Zugriff auf ein Template. Also müssen alle Sprachen in ein einziges Template gepackt werden. Um der frontend-renderer.php des shops mitzuteilen, welcher Text für welche Sprache eingesetzt werden soll, müssen wir alles mit Sprach-Tags versehen. Viel Arbeit! Beachte, die selben Tags zu verwenden, die in der definiert wurden ('en' and 'de')

Open include/inc_module/mod_shop/template/default/default.html and do the language changes
Öffne include/inc_module/mod_shop/template/default/default.html und nimm die Sprachänderungen vor

Example | Beispiel

Code: Select all

			[IMAGE]<span class="image">{IMAGE}</span>[/IMAGE]
			<a href="{PRODUCT_DETAIL_LINK}">[en]Show product details[/en][de]Zeige Produkt-Einzelheiten[/de]</a>
			[CART_ADD][en]Add to cart[/en][de]Zum Warenkorb[/de][/CART_ADD]
Here the changes in detail | Hier die Einzelheiten der Änderungen:
Replaced | Ersetzt: Show product details with [en]Show product details[/en][de]Zeige Produkt-Einzelheiten[/de]
Replaced | Ersetzt: Add to cart with [en]Add to cart[/en][de]Zum Warenkorb[/de]
Next step...
Nächster Schritt...

Part 2 | Teil 2

Posted: Wed 17. Dec 2008, 16:37
by santscho
Now, go and drink a RedBull, play with your kids or go for a massage. Then... continue...
Nun, trink ein RedBull, spiele mit Deinen Kindern oder geh in eine Massage. Dann... fahre fort...

In the backend of phpwcms, create a site structure like this:
Im Backend von phpwcms, erstelle eine Seitenstruktur wie diese:

In this case, the Page "SHOP" has the alias "shop". Also make the "SHOP" page invisible (just in case you want to render later the first level in a menu and you don't want, that the shop appears in this menu). DEUTSCH has ID1, ENGLISH has ID2. The alias for the shop and the ID's of the two structure trees are important in an other step of this tutorial.
In diesem Fall hat die "SHOP"-Seite den Alias-Name "shop". Mache die "SHOP"-Seite unichtbar (für den Fall, dass Du später mal die erste Ebene in einem Menü ausgeben möchtest und nicht willst, dass der Shop in diesem Menü erscheint. DEUTSCH hat ID1, ENGLISH hat ID2. Das Alias für den Shop und die ID's für die zwei Struktur-Bäume sind wichtig für einen späteren Schritt in diesem Tutorial.

The shop and the content parts | Der Shop und die content parts
As you can see in the graphic above, you need two articles in the shop page. It is a normal shop, but different are the titles of the articles. In phpwcms works now a language replacer script, so you can also tag the titles of the articles with language tags.
Wie in der Grafik oben ersichtlich, benötigt die Shop-Seite zwei Artikel. Eigentlich ein normaler Shop, mit dem Unterschied, dass auch die Titel mit Sprach-Tags versehen werden. In phpwcms läuft nämlich jetzt das Sprachersetzungsskript.

[en]Products[/en] [de]Produkte[/de]
[en]Cart[/en] [de]Warenkorb[/de]

Move with the mouse over the orange article icons to get the article numbers. These numbers, you have to enter in the according fields of your shop preferences.
Fahre mit der Maus über die orangen article icons, um die Artikel-Nummern abzulesen. Diese Nummern sind in den entsprechenden Felder der Shop-Einstellungen einzutragen.

At the moment, the shop would work multilingual. But you have three different structure trees. How to connect "SHOP DEUTSCH" and "SHOP ENGLISH" to the Shop tree, you will learn in the next step.
Im Moment würde der Shop multilingual funktionieren. Aber Du hast drei verschiedene Struktur-Bäume. Wie man "SHOP DEUTSCH" und "SHOP ENGLISH" mit dem Shop-Baum verbindet, lernst Du im nächsten Schritt.

Part 3 | Teil 3

Posted: Wed 17. Dec 2008, 18:25
by santscho
Fill the shop with multilingual categories and products | Fülle den Shop mit mehrsprachigen Kategorien und Produkten
Now, you need the language tags for all entries in your shop. A title for a category could be: [en]Milk Products[/en][de]Milchprodukte[/de]
For the products the same. A title for a product could be: [en]Swiss Cheese[/en][de]Schweizer Käse[/de]. Don't forget to use these language tags also for the product description and all other product fields.
Nun brauchst Du die Sprach-Tags für alle Einträge im Shop. Ein Kategorie-Titel könnte lauten: [en]Milk Products[/en][de]Milchprodukte[/de]
Für die Produkte das Gleiche. Ein Titel für ein Produkt könnte lauten: [en]Swiss Cheese[/en][de]Schweizer Käse[/de]. Nicht vergessen, diese Sprach-Tags für die Produkt-Beschreibung und alle anderen Produkt-Felder einzusetzen.

Link the shop pages of the language trees to the main multilingual shop | Verknüpfe die Shop-Seiten der Sprach-Bäume mit der mehrsprachigen Haupt-Shop
Create an article in "SHOP DEUTSCH" and one in "SHOP ENGLISH". In the article header, put the following link into the "redirect" field: index.php?shop
Erstelle ein Artikel in "SHOP DEUTSCH" und einer in "SHOP ENGLISH". In den Artikel-Köpfen, füge folgenden Link ins "weiterleiten"-Feld: index.php?shop

Make you phpwcms template multilingual | Mache Dein phpwcms-Template mehrsprachig
What you need now, are TWO menues in your template. One for the DEUTSCH tree, one for the ENGLISH tree. You have to take two menues which allow to define the start level. Therefore, you can use the {NAV_LIST_UL}.
Jetzt werden ZWEI Menüs im Template benötigt. Eins für den DEUTSCH-Baum, eins für den ENGLISH-Baum. Man muss zwei Menüs wählen, welche das Definieren eines Startlevels erlauben. Dafür eignet sich {NAV_LIST_UL}

The page DEUTSCH has ID1. The page ENGLISH has ID2. So... Create two menues like this in your template:
Die Seite DEUTSCH hat ID1. The Seite ENGLISH hat ID2. Also... Erstelle zwei Menüs wie diese in Deinem Template:

Code: Select all


Attention! The Navigation tags above will not work! You must replace "......" with settings for the navigations. For more details, how the NAV_LIST_UL works, use the search function of this forum. You will find the information you need!
Achtung! Die Navigations-Tags oben funktionieren nicht. Du must "......" mit entsprechenden Navigations-Einstellungen ersetzten. Für Details, wie die NAV_LIST_UL funktioniert, benutze die Suchfunktion des Forums. Du wirst die nötigen Informationen finden.

Use the multilingual template for all 3 structure trees (DEUTSCH | SHOP | ENGLISH)
Benutze das mehrsprachige Template für alle 3 Struktur-Bäume (DEUTSCH | SHOP | ENGLISH)

Important to know | Wichtig zu wissen
In the is a definition of the default language. Usually, it is English ('en').
In der gibt es eine Definition der Standard-Sprache. Normalerweise ist es Englisch ('en').

Code: Select all

$phpwcms['default_lang']      = 'en';  //default language
now, phpwcms will not render parts, which are between the German language replacement tags ([de].......[/de]). The shop would be in English, even you click on the SHOP in your German structure tree. But anyway, you will not get a German structure tree, because the German menu is also between [de] tags! You need to add "language switches" in your template or in an article on the homepage (language selection). Once clicked on such a language switch, the language selection will be stored in the session and/or in a cookie. - The shop and menu will be in the selected language until you click on an other language switch. Cool?
phpwcms wird nun keine Teile zwischen den deutschen Sprachersetzungs-Tags rendern ([de].......[/de]). Der Shop würde in Englisch erscheinen, auch wenn man auf SHOP im deutschen Struktur-Baum klicken würde. Egal, Du wirst sowieso kein deutscher Struktur-Baum erhalten, weil sich dessen Menü ebenso zwischen [de]-Tags befindet! Du musst also "Sprachschalter" im Template oder in einem Artikel auf der Homepage (Sprachauswahl) einbauen. Einmal auf einen solchen Sprachschalter geklickt, wird die Sprachauswahl in der Sitzung und/oder in einem Cookie gespeichert. Der Shop und das Menü wird in der ausgewählten Sprache erscheinen, bis auf einen anderen Sprachschalter geklickt wird. Kühl :D ?

Including language switches | Einbau Sprachschalter
In this tutorial, I will include our language switches as normal text links in my template. It doesn't matter where in your template. Preferable somewhere in the header (eg. top navigation).
In diesem Tutorial werde ich unsere Sprachschalter als normale Textlinks in meinem Template einbauen. Es spielt keine Rolle wo im Template. Vorzugsweise irgendwo im Header (z.B. Top-Navigation).

Code: Select all

<a href="index.php?deutsch&lang=de">Deutsch</a> | <a href="index.php?english&lang=en">Englisch</a>
Click on one of these switches will bring you to the selected language tree. And "&lang=de" or "&lang=en" will switch between the German and English language tags.
Klick auf einer dieser Schalter wird Dich zum entsprechenden Sprach-Baum leiten. Und "&lang=de" or "&lang=en" wird zwischen den deutschen und englischen Sprach-Tags wechseln.

Thats it! Wish you success!
Das wars! Wünsche Dir viel Erfolg!

Why I wrote first English and then German, even English is not my mother language? — It is easier to translate from simple English to simple German, than from difficult German to difficult English :-)


Posted: Mon 29. Dec 2008, 09:09
by santscho
Nachtrag 1

There is a "&" in the following links:
Im folgenden Code befinden sich "&" in den Links:

Code: Select all

<a href="index.php?deutsch&lang=de">Deutsch</a> | <a href="index.php?english&lang=en">Englisch</a>
This does not accord to the conventions of W3C. You have to replace the "&" with:
Dies entspricht nicht den Konventionen von W3C. Deshalb müssen die "&" ersetzt werden durch:

Code: Select all

Correct is:
Korrekte wäre also:

Code: Select all

<a href="index.php?deutsch&lang=de">Deutsch</a> | <a href="index.php?english&lang=en">Englisch</a>

Re: Tutorial: Shop Multilingual | Shop mehrsprachig

Posted: Fri 9. Apr 2010, 21:22
by markison123
Hallo Santscho, dein tutorial ist super!
ich habe nun aber das problem, dass die [de] und [en] tags beim aufrufen über das backend standardmässig auf EN stehen.

und das, obwohl ich folgende parameter in der eingetragen habe

Code: Select all

$phpwcms['allowed_lang']      = array('de','en');     //array of allowed languages: array('en', 'de', 'fr', 'es')
$phpwcms['DOCTYPE_LANG']      = 'de';		  //by default same as $phpwcms['default_lang'], but can be injected by whatever you like
$phpwcms['default_lang']      = 'de';  //default language
zudem wähle ich pro baum ein neues template für DE und EN aus
die xml:lang wird auch richtig im quellcode gesetzt.
wie auch in der wiki beschrieben ... ml-sprache

gibt es eine möglichkeit über das template den parameter in der kopfzeile für die sprache mitzugeben?
also das

Code: Select all

hinter den artikeln?

Re: Tutorial: Shop Multilingual | Shop mehrsprachig

Posted: Mon 12. Apr 2010, 11:15
by santscho
Und was passiert, wenn Du im Frontend die Sprache wechselt (auf de), den Browser schliesst und dann wieder die Seite aufrufst? Immer noch englisch?

Re: Tutorial: Shop Multilingual | Shop mehrsprachig

Posted: Mon 12. Apr 2010, 21:43
by markison123
hallo santscho,
vielen dank für deine antwort. ich habe deinen versuch gleich mal ausprobiert. es scheint nur sporadisch aufzutreten. evtl lag es aber auch an einem nicht gelöschten cache.

die funktionsweise der umschaltung habe ich aber noch nicht verstanden.
liege ich richtig mit der annahme, dass wenn ein browser mit EN spracheinstellung auf die page kommt, das "lang_replace.php" einen cookie setzt, und alle [DE] elemente ausblendet und alle [EN] elemente anzeigt?

...und wird mit der erweiterung am link mit &lang=EN auch der cookie gesetzt oder wird dies nur zum manuellen umschalten der sprache benötigt?

viele gruesse, marc

Re: Tutorial: Shop Multilingual | Shop mehrsprachig

Posted: Thu 1. Mar 2012, 13:03
by littleredhood
Mein Shop steht auf deutsch/englisch, wird korrekt gerendert.
Alles klappt - bis ich im englischen Shoptei in den Cart (Warenkorb) gehe und auf "Proceed to..." (im Deutschen "Zur Kasse") => [CHECKOUT] klicke.
Dann lande ich wieder im deutschen Teil zur Adresseingabe :-/
Jemand eine Idee, was ich falsch mache?

Re: Tutorial: Shop Multilingual | Shop mehrsprachig

Posted: Thu 1. Mar 2012, 17:28
by nameless1

welcher phpwcms release und ganz wichtig welchen shop release benutzt du?
ggf. mal die frontend.render als datei anhängen. dort wird der fehler zu finden sein.



Re: Tutorial: Shop Multilingual | Shop mehrsprachig

Posted: Fri 2. Mar 2012, 09:30
by littleredhood
phpwcms 1.4.3
Shop Release finde ich wo?


Code: Select all

   Copyright notice
   (c) 2002-2009 Oliver Georgi ( // All rights reserved.
   This script is part of PHPWCMS. The PHPWCMS web content management system is
   free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
   the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
   either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   The GNU General Public License can be found at
   A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license 
   from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
   This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY 
   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
   PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
   This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
   die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

// Module/Plug-in Shop & Products

$_shop_load_cat  		= strpos($content['all'], '{SHOP_CATEGOR');
$_shop_load_list 		= strpos($content['all'], '{SHOP_PRODUCTLIST}');
$_shop_load_cart_small	= strpos($content['all'], '{CART_SMALL}');
$_shop_load_order		= strpos($content['all'], '{SHOP_ORDER_PROCESS}');

// set CART session value
if(!isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart'])) {
	$_SESSION['shopping_cart'] = array();

if( $_shop_load_cat !== false || $_shop_load_list !== false || $_shop_load_order !== false || $_shop_load_cart_small !== false) {

	// load template
	$_tmpl = array( 'config' => array(), 'source' => '' );
	$_tmpl['source'] = @file_get_contents($phpwcms['modules']['shop']['path'].'template/default/default.html');
		$_tmpl['config'] = parse_ini_str(get_tmpl_section('CONFIG', $_tmpl['source']), false);
		$_tmpl['config']['cat_list_products']		= empty($_tmpl['config']['cat_list_products']) ? false : boolval($_tmpl['config']['cat_list_products']);
		$_tmpl['config']['image_list_lightbox']		= empty($_tmpl['config']['image_list_lightbox']) ? false : boolval($_tmpl['config']['image_list_lightbox']);
		$_tmpl['config']['image_detail_lightbox']	= empty($_tmpl['config']['image_detail_lightbox']) ? false : boolval($_tmpl['config']['image_detail_lightbox']);
		$_tmpl['config']['image_detail_crop']		= empty($_tmpl['config']['image_detail_crop']) ? false : boolval($_tmpl['config']['image_detail_crop']);
		$_tmpl['config']['image_list_crop']			= empty($_tmpl['config']['image_list_crop']) ? false : boolval($_tmpl['config']['image_list_crop']);
		// handle custom fields
		$_tmpl['config']['shop_field'] = array();
		$custom_field_number = 1;
		while( !empty( $_tmpl['config']['shop_field_' . $custom_field_number] ) ) {
			$custom_field_type = explode('_', trim($_tmpl['config']['shop_field_' . $custom_field_number]) );
			if($custom_field_type[0] === 'STRING' || $custom_field_type[0] === 'TEXTAREA') {
				$_tmpl['config']['shop_field'][ $custom_field_number ]['type'] = $custom_field_type[0];
				if(isset($custom_field_type[1]) && $custom_field_type[1] == 'REQ') {
					$_tmpl['config']['shop_field'][ $custom_field_number ]['required'] = true;
					if(empty($custom_field_type[2])) {
						$_tmpl['config']['shop_field'][ $custom_field_number ]['label'] = 'Custom '.$custom_field_number;
					} else {
						$_tmpl['config']['shop_field'][ $custom_field_number ]['label'] = trim($custom_field_type[2]);
				} elseif(empty($custom_field_type[1])) {
					$_tmpl['config']['shop_field'][ $custom_field_number ]['required'] = false;
					$_tmpl['config']['shop_field'][ $custom_field_number ]['label'] = 'Custom '.$custom_field_number;
				} else {
					$_tmpl['config']['shop_field'][ $custom_field_number ]['required'] = false;
					$_tmpl['config']['shop_field'][ $custom_field_number ]['label'] = trim($custom_field_type[1]);
		if($_shop_load_list) {
			$_tmpl['list_header']	= get_tmpl_section('LIST_HEADER',	$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['list_entry']	= get_tmpl_section('LIST_ENTRY',	$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['list_space']	= get_tmpl_section('LIST_SPACE',	$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['list_none']		= get_tmpl_section('LIST_NONE',		$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['list_footer']	= get_tmpl_section('LIST_FOOTER',	$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['detail']		= get_tmpl_section('DETAIL',		$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['image_space']	= get_tmpl_section('IMAGE_SPACE',	$_tmpl['source']);
		if($_shop_load_cart_small) {	
			$_tmpl['cart_small']	= get_tmpl_section('CART_SMALL',	$_tmpl['source']);
		if($_shop_load_order) {	
			$_tmpl['cart_header']	= get_tmpl_section('CART_HEADER',			$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['cart_entry']	= get_tmpl_section('CART_ENTRY',			$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['cart_space']	= get_tmpl_section('CART_SPACE',			$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['cart_footer']	= get_tmpl_section('CART_FOOTER',			$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['cart_none']		= get_tmpl_section('CART_NONE',				$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['inv_address']	= get_tmpl_section('ORDER_INV_ADDRESS',		$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['order_terms']	= get_tmpl_section('ORDER_TERMS',			$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['term_entry']	= get_tmpl_section('ORDER_TERMS_ITEM',		$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['term_space']	= get_tmpl_section('ORDER_TERMS_ITEMSPACE',	$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['mail_customer']	= get_tmpl_section('MAIL_CUSTOMER',			$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['mail_neworder']	= get_tmpl_section('MAIL_NEWORDER',			$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['order_success']	= get_tmpl_section('ORDER_DONE',			$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['order_failed']	= get_tmpl_section('ORDER_NOT_DONE',		$_tmpl['source']);
			$_tmpl['mail_item']		= get_tmpl_section('MAIL_ITEM',				$_tmpl['source']);
	// merge config settings like translations and so on	
	$_tmpl['config'] = array_merge(	array(
							'cat_all'				=> '@@All products@@',
							'cat_list_products'		=> false,
							'price_decimals'		=> 2,
							'vat_decimals'			=> 0,
							'weight_decimals'		=> 0,
							'dec_point'				=> ".",
							'thousands_sep'			=> ",",
							'image_list_width'		=> 200,
							'image_list_height'		=> 200,
							'image_detail_width'	=> 200,
							'image_detail_height'	=> 200,
							'image_zoom_width'		=> 750,
							'image_zoom_height'		=> 500,
							'image_list_lightbox'	=> false,
							'image_detail_lightbox'	=> true,
							'image_detail_crop'		=> false,
							'image_list_crop'		=> false,
							'mail_customer_subject'	=> "[#{ORDER}] Your order at MyShop",
							'mail_neworder_subject'	=> "[#{ORDER}] New order",
							'label_payby_prepay'	=> "@@Cash with order@@",
							'label_payby_pod'		=> "@@Cash on delivery@@",
							'label_payby_onbill'	=> "@@On account@@",
							'order_number_style'	=> 'RANDOM',
							'cat_list_sort_by'		=> 'shopprod_name1 ASC'
						),	$_tmpl['config'] );
	// set preferences
	$_shopPref = array();
	foreach( array( 'shop_pref_currency', 'shop_pref_unit_weight', 'shop_pref_vat', 'shop_pref_email_to', 
					'shop_pref_email_from', 'shop_pref_email_paypal', 'shop_pref_shipping', 
					'shop_pref_payment' ) as $value ) {
		_getConfig( $value, '_shopPref' );

	$_tmpl['config']['shop_url'] = _getConfig( 'shop_pref_id_shop', '_shopPref' );
	$_tmpl['config']['cart_url'] = _getConfig( 'shop_pref_id_cart', '_shopPref' );
	if(!is_numeric($_tmpl['config']['shop_url']) && is_string($_tmpl['config']['shop_url'])) {
		$_tmpl['config']['shop_url']	= trim($_tmpl['config']['shop_url']);
	} elseif(is_numeric($_tmpl['config']['shop_url']) && intval($_tmpl['config']['shop_url'])) {
		$_tmpl['config']['shop_url']	= 'aid='.intval($_tmpl['config']['shop_url']);
	} else {
		$_tmpl['config']['shop_url']	= $aktion[1] ? 'aid='.$aktion[1] : 'id='.$aktion[0];
	if(!is_numeric($_tmpl['config']['cart_url']) && is_string($_tmpl['config']['cart_url'])) {
		$_tmpl['config']['cart_url']	= trim($_tmpl['config']['cart_url']);
	} elseif(is_numeric($_tmpl['config']['cart_url']) && intval($_tmpl['config']['cart_url'])) {
		$_tmpl['config']['cart_url']	= 'aid='.intval($_tmpl['config']['cart_url']);
	} else {
		$_tmpl['config']['cart_url']	= $aktion[1] ? 'aid='.$aktion[1] : 'id='.$aktion[0];
	$_tmpl['config']['shop_url'] = 'index.php?' . $_tmpl['config']['shop_url'];
	$_tmpl['config']['cart_url'] = 'index.php?' . $_tmpl['config']['cart_url'];
	// OK get cart post data
	if( isset($_POST['shop_action']) ) {
		switch($_POST['shop_action']) {
			case 'add':		$shop_prod_id		= intval($_POST['shop_prod_id']);
							$shop_prod_amount	= abs( intval($_POST['shop_prod_amount']) );
							if(empty($shop_prod_id) || empty($shop_prod_amount)) break; // leave
							// add product to shopping 
							if(isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['products'][$shop_prod_id])) {
								$_SESSION['shopping_cart']['products'][$shop_prod_id] += $shop_prod_amount;
							} else {
								$_SESSION['shopping_cart']['products'][$shop_prod_id]  = $shop_prod_amount;
	} elseif( isset($_POST['shop_prod_amount']) && is_array($_POST['shop_prod_amount']) ) {
		foreach($_POST['shop_prod_amount'] as $prod_id => $prod_qty) {
			$prod_id  = intval($prod_id);
			$prod_qty = abs( intval($prod_qty) );
			if(isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['products'][$prod_id])) {
				if($prod_qty) {
					$_SESSION['shopping_cart']['products'][$prod_id] = $prod_qty;
				} else {
	} elseif( isset($_POST['shop_order_step1']) ) {
		// handle invoice address -> checkout
		$_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1'] = array(
			'INV_FIRSTNAME'	=> isset($_POST['shop_inv_firstname']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['shop_inv_firstname']) : '',
			'INV_NAME'		=> isset($_POST['shop_inv_name']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['shop_inv_name']) : '',
			'INV_ADDRESS'	=> isset($_POST['shop_inv_address']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['shop_inv_address']) : '',
			'INV_ZIP'		=> isset($_POST['shop_inv_zip']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['shop_inv_zip']) : '',
			'INV_CITY'		=> isset($_POST['shop_inv_city']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['shop_inv_city']) : '',
			'INV_REGION'	=> isset($_POST['shop_inv_region']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['shop_inv_region']) : '',
			'INV_COUNTRY'	=> isset($_POST['shop_inv_country']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['shop_inv_country']) : '',
			'EMAIL'			=> isset($_POST['shop_email']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['shop_email']) : '',
			'PHONE'			=> isset($_POST['shop_phone']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['shop_phone']) : ''
		// retrieve all custom field POST data
		foreach($_tmpl['config']['shop_field'] as $key => $row) {
			$_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['shop_field_'.$key] = empty($_POST['shop_field_'.$key]) ? '' : clean_slweg($_POST['shop_field_'.$key]);
			if($row['required'] && $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['shop_field_'.$key] === '') {
				$ERROR['inv_address']['shop_field_'.$key] = $row['required'] . ' must be filled';
		$payment_options = get_payment_options();
		if(!empty($_POST['shopping_payment']) && isset($payment_options[$_POST['shopping_payment']])) {
			$_SESSION['shopping_cart']['payby'] = $_POST['shopping_payment'];
		} else {
			$ERROR['inv_address']['payment'] = true;
		if(empty($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['INV_FIRSTNAME'])) {
			$ERROR['inv_address']['INV_FIRSTNAME'] = '@@First name must be filled@@';
		if(empty($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['INV_NAME'])) {
			$ERROR['inv_address']['INV_NAME'] = '@@Name must be filled@@';
		if(empty($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['INV_ADDRESS'])) {
			$ERROR['inv_address']['INV_ADDRESS'] = '@@Address must be filled@@';
		if(empty($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['INV_ZIP'])) {
			$ERROR['inv_address']['INV_ZIP'] = '@@ZIP must be filled@@';
		if(empty($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['INV_CITY'])) {
			$ERROR['inv_address']['INV_CITY'] = '@@City must be filled@@';
		if(empty($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['EMAIL']) || !is_valid_email($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['EMAIL'])) {
			$ERROR['inv_address']['EMAIL'] = '@@Email must be filled or is invalid@@';
		if(empty($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['PHONE'])) {
			$ERROR['inv_address']['PHONE'] = '@@Phone must be filled@@';
		if(isset($ERROR['inv_address']) && count($ERROR['inv_address'])) {
			$_SESSION['shopping_cart']['error']['step1'] = true;
		} elseif(isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['error']['step1'])) {

	} elseif( isset($_POST['shop_order_submit']) ) {
		if(empty($_POST['shop_terms_agree'])) {
			$_SESSION['shopping_cart']['error']['step2'] = true;
		} elseif(isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['error']['step2'])) {
	} elseif( isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['error']['step2']) && !isset($_POST['shop_order_submit'])) {


// first we take categories
if( $_shop_load_cat !== false ) {

	preg_match('/\{SHOP_CATEGORY:(\d+)\}/', $content['all'], $catmatch);
	if(!empty($catmatch[1])) {
		$shop_limited_cat = true;
		$shop_limited_catid = intval($catmatch[1]);
		if(empty($GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_cat'])) {
			$GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_cat'] = $shop_limited_catid;
	} else {
		$shop_limited_cat = false;

	$sql  = 'SELECT * FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_categories WHERE ';
	$sql .= "cat_type='module_shop' AND cat_status=1 AND cat_pid=0 ";
	if($shop_limited_cat) {
		$sql .= 'AND cat_id = ' . $shop_limited_catid . ' ';
	$sql .= 'ORDER BY cat_name ASC';
	$data = _dbQuery($sql);
	$shop_cat = array();
	$shop_cat_selected	= isset($GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_cat']) ? $GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_cat'] : 'all';
	if(strpos($shop_cat_selected, '_')) {
		$shop_cat_selected = explode('_', $shop_cat_selected, 2);
		if(isset($shop_cat_selected[1])) {
			$shop_subcat_selected	= intval($shop_cat_selected[1]);
		$shop_cat_selected = intval($shop_cat_selected[0]);
		if(!$shop_cat_selected) {
			$shop_cat_selected		= 'all';
			$shop_subcat_selected	= 0;
	} else {
		$shop_subcat_selected = 0;
	$shop_detail_id		= isset($GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_detail']) ? intval($GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_detail']) : 0;
	unset($GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_cat'], $GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_detail']);

	$shop_cat_link  = $_tmpl['config']['shop_url'];
	if($shop_detail_id) {
		$GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_detail'] = $shop_detail_id;
	if(is_array($data) && count($data)) {

		$x = 0;
		foreach($data as $row) {
			if($shop_limited_cat && $row['cat_id'] != $shop_limited_catid) {
			$shop_cat_prods = '';
			$shop_cat[$x]   = '<li';
			if($row['cat_id'] == $shop_cat_selected) {
				$shop_cat[$x] .= ' class="active"';
				// now try to retrieve sub categories for active category
				$sql  = 'SELECT * FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_categories WHERE ';
				$sql .= "cat_type='module_shop' AND cat_status=1 AND cat_pid=" . $shop_cat_selected ;
				$sql .= ' ORDER BY cat_name ASC';
				$sdata = _dbQuery($sql);
				$subcat_count = count($sdata);
				$selected_product_cat = $subcat_count && $shop_subcat_selected ? $shop_subcat_selected : $shop_cat_selected;
				if($subcat_count) {
					$shop_subcat = array();
					$z = 0;
					foreach($sdata as $srow) {
						$shop_subcat[$z]   = '<li';
						if($srow['cat_id'] == $shop_subcat_selected) {
							$shop_subcat[$z] .= ' class="active"';	
						$shop_subcat[$z]  .= '>';
						$shop_subcat[$z] .= '<a href="' . $shop_cat_link . '&shop_cat=' . $srow['cat_pid'] . '_' . $srow['cat_id'] . '">';
						$shop_subcat[$z] .= html_specialchars($srow['cat_name']);
						$shop_subcat[$z] .= '</a>';
						if($srow['cat_id'] == $shop_subcat_selected && $_tmpl['config']['cat_list_products']) {
							$shop_subcat[$z] .= get_category_products($srow['cat_id'], $shop_detail_id, $shop_cat_selected, $shop_subcat_selected, $shop_cat_link);
						$shop_subcat[$z] .= '</li>';
					if(count($shop_subcat)) {
						$shop_cat_prods = LF . '		<ul>' . LF.'			' . implode(LF.'			', $shop_subcat) . LF .'		</ul>' . LF.'	';
				if($_tmpl['config']['cat_list_products']) {
					 $shop_cat_prods .= get_category_products($shop_cat_selected, $shop_detail_id, $shop_cat_selected, $shop_subcat_selected, $shop_cat_link);
			$shop_cat[$x] .= '>';
			$shop_cat[$x] .= '<a href="' . $shop_cat_link . '&shop_cat=' . $row['cat_id'] . '">';
			$shop_cat[$x] .= html_specialchars($row['cat_name']);
			$shop_cat[$x] .= '</a>' . $shop_cat_prods;
			$shop_cat[$x] .= '</li>';
	if( count($shop_cat) ) {
		if( ! $shop_limited_cat ) {
			$shop_cat[$x]  = '<li';
			if($shop_cat_selected == 'all') {
				$shop_cat[$x] .= ' class="active"';
			$shop_cat[$x] .= '>';
			$shop_cat[$x] .= '<a href="' . $shop_cat_link . '&shop_cat=all">';
			$shop_cat[$x] .= html_specialchars($_tmpl['config']['cat_all']);
			$shop_cat[$x] .= '</a>';
			$shop_cat[$x] .= '</li>';
		$shop_cat = '<ul class="shop_cat">' . LF.'	' . implode(LF.'	', $shop_cat) . LF . '</ul>';
	} else {
		$shop_cat = '';
	$content['all'] = str_replace('{SHOP_CATEGORIES}', $shop_cat, $content['all']);
	$content['all'] = preg_replace('/\{SHOP_CATEGORY:\d+\}/', $shop_cat, $content["all"]);
	if($shop_cat_selected) {
		$GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_cat'] = $shop_cat_selected;
		if($shop_subcat_selected) {
			$GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_cat'] .= '_' . $shop_subcat_selected;


// Ok lets search for product listing
if( $_shop_load_list !== false ) {

	// check selected category
	$shop_cat_selected	= isset($GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_cat']) ? $GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_cat'] : 0;
	if(strpos($shop_cat_selected, '_')) {
		$shop_cat_selected = explode('_', $shop_cat_selected, 2);
		if(isset($shop_cat_selected[1])) {
			$shop_subcat_selected	= intval($shop_cat_selected[1]);
		$shop_cat_selected = intval($shop_cat_selected[0]);
		if(!$shop_cat_selected) {
			//$shop_cat_selected		= 'all';
			$shop_subcat_selected	= 0;
	} else {
		$shop_cat_selected		= intval($shop_cat_selected);
		$shop_subcat_selected	= 0;
	$selected_product_cat = $shop_subcat_selected ? $shop_subcat_selected : $shop_cat_selected;
	$shop_detail_id		= isset($GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_detail']) ? intval($GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_detail']) : 0;
	$shop_cat_name = get_shop_category_name($shop_cat_selected);

	if(empty($shop_cat_name)) {
		$shop_cat_name		= $_tmpl['config']['cat_all'];
		$shop_cat_selected	= 0;
	$sql  = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_shop_products WHERE ';
	$sql .= "shopprod_status=1";

	if($selected_product_cat && !$shop_detail_id) {

		$sql .= ' AND (';
		$sql .= "shopprod_category = '" . $selected_product_cat . "' OR ";
		$sql .= "shopprod_category LIKE '%," . $selected_product_cat . ",%' OR ";
		$sql .= "shopprod_category LIKE '" . $selected_product_cat . ",%' OR ";
		$sql .= "shopprod_category LIKE '%," . $selected_product_cat . "'";
		$sql .= ')';
	} elseif($shop_detail_id) {

		$sql .= ' AND shopprod_id=' . $shop_detail_id;
	} else {
		$sql .= ' AND shopprod_listall=1';
	$_tmpl['config']['cat_list_sort_by'] = trim($_tmpl['config']['cat_list_sort_by']);
	if($_tmpl['config']['cat_list_sort_by'] !== '') {
		$sql .= ' ORDER BY '.aporeplace($_tmpl['config']['cat_list_sort_by']);
	$data = _dbQuery($sql);
	if( count($shop_cat) ) {
		$x = 0;
		$entry = array();

		$shop_prod_detail = rel_url(array(), array('shop_detail'));
		$_tmpl['config']['init_lightbox'] = false;

		foreach($data as $row) {
			$_price['vat'] = $row['shopprod_vat'];
			if($row['shopprod_netgross'] == 1) {
				// price given is GROSS price, including VAT
				$_price['net']		= $row['shopprod_price'] / (1 + $_price['vat'] / 100);
				$_price['gross']	= $row['shopprod_price'];
			} else {
				// price given is NET price, excluding VAT
				$_price['net']		= $row['shopprod_price'];
				$_price['gross']	= $row['shopprod_price'] * (1 + $_price['vat'] / 100);
			$_price['vat']		= number_format($_price['vat'],   $_tmpl['config']['vat_decimals'],   $_tmpl['config']['dec_point'], $_tmpl['config']['thousands_sep']);
			$_price['net']		= number_format($_price['net'],   $_tmpl['config']['price_decimals'], $_tmpl['config']['dec_point'], $_tmpl['config']['thousands_sep']);
			$_price['gross']	= number_format($_price['gross'], $_tmpl['config']['price_decimals'], $_tmpl['config']['dec_point'], $_tmpl['config']['thousands_sep']);
			$_price['weight']	= $row['shopprod_weight'] > 0 ? number_format($row['shopprod_weight'], $_tmpl['config']['weight_decimals'], $_tmpl['config']['dec_point'], $_tmpl['config']['thousands_sep']) : '';
			$row['shopprod_var'] = @unserialize($row['shopprod_var']);
			// select template based on listing or detail view
			$entry[$x] = $shop_detail_id ? $_tmpl['detail'] : $_tmpl['list_entry'];
			$_cart = preg_match("/\[CART_ADD\](.*?)\[\/CART_ADD\]/is", $entry[$x], $g) ? $g[1] : '';
			$_cart_add  = '<form action="' . $shop_prod_detail . '" method="post">';
			$_cart_add .= '<input type="hidden" name="shop_prod_id" value="' . $row['shopprod_id'] . '" />';
			$_cart_add .= '<input type="hidden" name="shop_action" value="add" />';
			$_cart_add .= '<input type="hidden" name="shop_prod_amount" value="1" />';
			if(strpos($_cart, 'input ')) {
				// user has set input button
				$_cart_add .= $_cart;
			} else {
				$_cart_add .= '<input type="submit" name="shop_cart_add" value="' . html_specialchars($_cart) . '" class="cart_add_button" />';
			$_cart_add .= '</form>';

			$entry[$x] = preg_replace('/\[CART_ADD\](.*?)\[\/CART_ADD\]/is', $_cart_add , $entry[$x]);
			// product name
			$entry[$x] = str_replace('{CURRENCY_SYMBOL}', html_entities($_shopPref['shop_pref_currency']), $entry[$x]);
			$entry[$x] = render_cnt_template($entry[$x], 'PRODUCT_TITLE', html_specialchars($row['shopprod_name1']));
			$entry[$x] = render_cnt_template($entry[$x], 'PRODUCT_ADD', html_specialchars($row['shopprod_name2']));
			$entry[$x] = render_cnt_template($entry[$x], 'PRODUCT_SHORT', $row['shopprod_description0']);
			$entry[$x] = render_cnt_template($entry[$x], 'PRODUCT_LONG', $row['shopprod_description1']);
			$entry[$x] = render_cnt_template($entry[$x], 'PRODUCT_WEIGHT', $_price['weight']);
			$entry[$x] = render_cnt_template($entry[$x], 'PRODUCT_NET_PRICE', $_price['net']);
			$entry[$x] = render_cnt_template($entry[$x], 'PRODUCT_GROSS_PRICE', $_price['gross']);
			$entry[$x] = render_cnt_template($entry[$x], 'PRODUCT_VAT', $_price['vat']);
			$entry[$x] = render_cnt_template($entry[$x], 'ORDER_NUM', html_specialchars($row['shopprod_ordernumber']));
			$entry[$x] = render_cnt_template($entry[$x], 'MODEL', html_specialchars($row['shopprod_model']));
			$entry[$x] = render_cnt_template($entry[$x], 'VIEWED', number_format($row['shopprod_track_view'], 0, $_tmpl['config']['dec_point'], $_tmpl['config']['thousands_sep']));
			if($shop_detail_id) {
				$_tmpl['config']['mode']		= 'detail';
				$_tmpl['config']['lightbox_id']	= '[product_'.$x.'_'.$shop_detail_id.']';
				// product detail
				$entry[$x] = str_replace('{PRODUCT_DETAIL_LINK}', $shop_prod_detail, $entry[$x]);
				$_prod_list_img = array();
				if(count($row['shopprod_var']['images'])) {

					foreach($row['shopprod_var']['images'] as $img_key => $img_vars) {
						if($img_vars = shop_image_tag($row['shopprod_var']['images'][$img_key])) {
							$_prod_list_img[] = $img_vars;
				$_prod_list_img = implode($_tmpl['image_space'], $_prod_list_img);
				// Update product view count
				// ToDo: Maybe use cookie or session to avoid tracking in case showed once
				$sql = 'UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_shop_products SET shopprod_track_view=shopprod_track_view+1 WHERE shopprod_id='.$shop_detail_id;
				_dbQuery($sql, 'UPDATE');
			} else {
				$_tmpl['config']['mode']		= 'list';
				$_tmpl['config']['lightbox_id']	= '';
				if(count($row['shopprod_var']['images'])) {
					$_prod_list_img = shop_image_tag($row['shopprod_var']['images'][0]);
				} else {
					$_prod_list_img = '';
				// product listing
				$entry[$x] = str_replace('{PRODUCT_DETAIL_LINK}', $shop_prod_detail.'&shop_detail='.$row['shopprod_id'], $entry[$x]);
			if(!$_tmpl['config']['init_lightbox'] && $_tmpl['config']['image_'.$_tmpl['config']['mode'].'_lightbox'] && $_prod_list_img) {
				$_tmpl['config']['init_lightbox'] = true;
			$entry[$x] = render_cnt_template($entry[$x], 'IMAGE', $_prod_list_img);

		// initialize Lightbox effect
		if($_tmpl['config']['init_lightbox']) {
		$entries = implode($_tmpl['list_space'], $entry);

	} else {
		$entries = $_tmpl['list_none'];

	$entries = $_tmpl['list_header'] . LF . $entries . LF . $_tmpl['list_footer'];
	$entries = str_replace('{CATEGORY}', html_specialchars($shop_cat_name), $entries);

	$content['all'] = str_replace('{SHOP_PRODUCTLIST}', $entries, $content['all']);

if( $_shop_load_order ) {

	$cart_data = get_cart_data();
	if(empty($cart_data)) {
		// cart is empty
		$order_process = $_tmpl['cart_none'];

	} elseif(isset($_POST['shop_cart_checkout']) || isset($ERROR['inv_address']) || isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['error']['step1']) || isset($_POST['shop_edit_address'])) {
		// order Step 1 -> get address
		$_step1 = array(
					'INV_FIRSTNAME' => '',
					'INV_NAME' => '',
					'INV_ADDRESS' => '',
					'INV_ZIP' => '',
					'INV_CITY' => '',
					'INV_REGION' => '',
					'INV_COUNTRY' => '',
					'EMAIL' => '',
					'PHONE' => ''
		// handle custom fields
		foreach($_tmpl['config']['shop_field'] as $item_key => $row) {
			$_step1['shop_field_'.$item_key] = '';
		if(isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1'])) {
			$_step1 = array_merge($_step1, $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']);

		// checkout step 1 -> insert invoice address
		$order_process = $_tmpl['inv_address'];
		foreach($_step1 as $item_key => $row) {
			$field_error   = empty($ERROR['inv_address'][$item_key]) ? '' : $ERROR['inv_address'][$item_key];
			$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, $item_key, html_specialchars($row));
			$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, 'ERROR_'.$item_key, $field_error);
		$payment_options = get_payment_options();

		if(count($payment_options)) {
			$payment_fields = array();
			$payment_selected = isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['payby']) && isset($payment_options[ $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['payby'] ]) ? $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['payby'] : '';
			foreach($payment_options as $item_key => $row) {
				$payment_fields[$item_key]  = '<div><label>';
				$payment_fields[$item_key] .= '<input type="radio" name="shopping_payment" id="shopping_payment_'.$item_key.'" ';
				$payment_fields[$item_key] .= 'value="'.$item_key.'" ';
				if($payment_selected == $item_key) {
					$payment_fields[$item_key] .= ' checked="checked"';
				$payment_fields[$item_key] .= ' />';
				$payment_fields[$item_key] .= '<span>' . html_specialchars($_tmpl['config']['label_payby_'.$item_key]) . '</span>';
				$payment_fields[$item_key] .= '</label></div>';
			$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, 'PAYMENT', implode(LF, $payment_fields));
		} else {
			$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, 'PAYMENT', '');
		// some errr handling
		$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, 'ERROR_PAYMENT', isset($ERROR['inv_address']['payment']) ? ' ' : '');
		$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, 'IF_ERROR', isset($ERROR['inv_address']) ? ' ' : '');
		$order_process = '<form action="' .$_tmpl['config']['cart_url']. '" method="post">' . LF . trim($order_process) . LF . '</form>';

	} elseif( isset($_POST['shop_order_step1']) || isset($ERROR['terms']) || isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['error']['step2']) ) {
		// Order step 2 -> Proof and [X] terms of business
		$order_process = $_tmpl['order_terms'];
		$order_process = str_replace('{SHOP_LINK}', $_tmpl['config']['shop_url'], $order_process);
		$order_process = str_replace('{CART_LINK}', $_tmpl['config']['cart_url'], $order_process);
		foreach($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1'] as $item_key => $row) {
			$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, $item_key, nl2br(html_specialchars($row)));
		$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, 'IF_ERROR', isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['error']['step2']) ? ' ' : '');
		if(isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['payby'])) {
			$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, 'PAYMENT', html_specialchars($_tmpl['config']['label_payby_'.$_SESSION['shopping_cart']['payby']]));
		} else {
			$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, 'PAYMENT', '');
		$cart_mode = 'terms';
		$order_process = str_replace('{ITEMS}', implode($_tmpl['term_space'], $cart_items), $order_process);
		$terms_text		= _getConfig( 'shop_pref_terms', '_shopPref' );
		$terms_format	= _getConfig( 'shop_pref_terms_format', '_shopPref' );
		$order_process = str_replace('{TERMS}', $terms_format ? $terms_text : nl2br(html_specialchars($terms_text)), $order_process);

		// Is Shipping?
		//$order_process  = preg_replace('/\[SHIPPING\](.*?)\[\/SHIPPING\]/is', '' , $order_process);
		$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, 'SHIPPING', $subtotal['float_shipping_net'] > 0 ? 1 : '');

	} elseif( isset($_POST['shop_order_submit']) && !isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['error']['step2']) ) {

		// OK agreed - now send order
		if($_tmpl['config']['order_number_style'] == 'RANDOM') {
			$order_num = generic_string(8, 2);
		} else {
			// count all current orders
			$order_num = _dbCount('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_shop_orders') + 1;
			if(strpos($_tmpl['config']['order_number_style'], '%') !== FALSE) {
				$order_num = sprintf($_tmpl['config']['order_number_style'], $order_num);
		// prepare customer mail
		$order_process = $_tmpl['mail_customer'];

		foreach($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1'] as $item_key => $row) {
			$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, $item_key, html_specialchars($row));
		$cart_mode = 'mail1';
		$order_process = str_replace('{ITEMS}', implode(LF.LF, $cart_items), $order_process);


		$order_process = str_replace('{ORDER}', $order_num, $order_process);
		$order_process = render_cnt_date($order_process, time());
		$mail_customer = @html_entity_decode($order_process);
		// prepare new order mail
		$order_process = $_tmpl['mail_neworder'];
		foreach($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1'] as $item_key => $row) {
			$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, $item_key, html_specialchars($row));
		$cart_mode = 'mail1';
		$order_process = str_replace('{ITEMS}', implode(LF.LF, $cart_items), $order_process);


		$order_process = str_replace('{ORDER}', $order_num, $order_process);
		$order_process = render_cnt_date($order_process, time());
		$mail_neworder = @html_entity_decode($order_process);
		if(!empty($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['payby'])) {
			$payment = $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['payby'];
			$mail_customer = render_cnt_template($mail_customer, 'PAYBY_'.strtoupper($payment), $_tmpl['config']['label_payby_'.$payment]);
			$mail_neworder = render_cnt_template($mail_neworder, 'PAYMENT', $_tmpl['config']['label_payby_'.$payment]);
		} else {
			$mail_customer = render_cnt_template($mail_customer, 'PAYBY_'.strtoupper($payment), 'n.a.');
			$mail_neworder = render_cnt_template($mail_neworder, 'PAYMENT', 'n.a.');
			$payment = 'n.a.';
		$payment_options = get_payment_options();
		foreach($payment_options  as $item_key => $row) {
         $mail_customer = render_cnt_template($mail_customer, 'PAYBY_'.strtoupper($item_key), '');
		// BEGIN language replacment for customer mail
		if (function_exists('lang_replace'))
         $mail_customer = lang_replace($mail_customer);
         $_tmpl['config']['mail_customer_subject'] = lang_replace($_tmpl['config']['mail_customer_subject']);
		// END language replacment for customer mail

		// store order in database     
		$order_data = array(
         'order_number'      => $order_num,
			'order_date'		=> gmdate('Y-m-d H:i'),
			'order_name'		=> $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['INV_NAME'],
			'order_firstname'	=> $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['INV_FIRSTNAME'],
			'order_email'		=> $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['EMAIL'],
			'order_net'			=> $subtotal['float_total_net'],
			'order_gross'		=> $subtotal['float_total_gross'],
			'order_payment'		=> $payment,
			'order_data'		=> @serialize( array(
												'cart' => $cart_data, 
												'address' => $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1'], 
												'mail_customer' => $mail_customer,
												'mail_self' => $mail_neworder,
												'subtotal' => array(
														'subtotal_net' => $subtotal['float_net'],
														'subtotal_gross' => $subtotal['float_gross']
												'shipping' => array(
														'shipping_net' => $subtotal['float_shipping_net'],
														'shipping_gross' => $subtotal['float_shipping_gross']
												'weight' => $subtotal['float_weight']
												) ),
			'order_status'		=> 'NEW-ORDER'		
		// receive order db ID
		$order_data = _dbInsert('phpwcms_shop_orders', $order_data);
		// send mail to customer
		$email_from = _getConfig( 'shop_pref_email_from', '_shopPref' );
		if(!is_valid_email($email_from)) $email_from = $phpwcms['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL'];

		$order_mail_customer = array(
			'recipient'	=> $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['EMAIL'],
			'toName'	=> $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['INV_FIRSTNAME'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['INV_NAME'],
			'subject'	=> str_replace('{ORDER}', $order_num, $_tmpl['config']['mail_customer_subject']),
			'text'		=> $mail_customer,
			'from'		=> $email_from,
			'sender'	=> $email_from
		$order_data_mail_customer = sendEmail($order_mail_customer);
		// send mail to shop
		$send_order_to = convertStringToArray( _getConfig( 'shop_pref_email_to', '_shopPref' ), ';' );
		if(empty($send_order_to[0]) || !is_valid_email($send_order_to[0])) {
			$email_to = $phpwcms['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL'];
		} else {
			$email_to = $send_order_to[0];
		$order_mail_self = array(
			'from'		=> $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['EMAIL'],
			'fromName'	=> $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['INV_FIRSTNAME'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['INV_NAME'],
			'subject'	=> str_replace('{ORDER}', $order_num, $_tmpl['config']['mail_neworder_subject']),
			'text'		=> $mail_neworder,
			'recipient'	=> $email_to,
			'sender'	=> $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1']['EMAIL']
		$order_data_mail_self = sendEmail($order_mail_self);
		// are there additional recipients for orders?
		if(count($send_order_to)) {
			foreach($send_order_to as $value) {
				$order_mail_self['recipient'] = $value;
		// success
		if(!empty($order_data['INSERT_ID']) || !empty($order_data_mail_customer[0])) {
			$order_process = $_tmpl['order_success'];
			foreach($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1'] as $item_key => $row) {
				$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, $item_key, html_specialchars($row));

		// NO success
		} else {

			$order_process = $_tmpl['order_failed'];
			$order_process = str_replace('{SUBJECT}', rawurlencode($_tmpl['config']['mail_neworder_subject']), $order_process);
			$order_process = str_replace('{MSG}', rawurlencode('---- FALLBACK MESSAGE ---' . LF . LF . $mail_customer), $order_process);
			foreach($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['step1'] as $item_key => $row) {
				$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, $item_key, html_specialchars($row));

		$order_process = str_replace('{ORDER}', $order_num, $order_process);

	} else {
		// show cart
		$cart_mode = 'cart';
		$order_process  = $_tmpl['cart_header'];
		$order_process .= implode($_tmpl['cart_space'], $cart_items);
		$order_process .= $_tmpl['cart_footer'];
		// Update Cart Button
		$_cart_button = preg_match("/\[UPDATE\](.*?)\[\/UPDATE\]/is", $order_process, $g) ? $g[1] : '';
		if(strpos($_cart_button, 'input ') === false) {
			$_cart_button = '<input type="submit" name="shop_cart_update" value="' . html_specialchars($_cart_button) . '" class="cart_update_button" />';
		$order_process  = preg_replace('/\[UPDATE\](.*?)\[\/UPDATE\]/is', $_cart_button , $order_process);
		// Checkout Button
		$_cart_button = preg_match("/\[CHECKOUT\](.*?)\[\/CHECKOUT\]/is", $order_process, $g) ? $g[1] : '';
		if(strpos($_cart_button, 'input ') === false) {
			$_cart_button = '<input type="submit" name="shop_cart_checkout" value="' . html_specialchars($_cart_button) . '" class="cart_checkout_button" />';
		$order_process  = preg_replace('/\[CHECKOUT\](.*?)\[\/CHECKOUT\]/is', $_cart_button , $order_process);
		// Is Shipping?
		//$order_process  = preg_replace('/\[SHIPPING\](.*?)\[\/SHIPPING\]/is', '' , $order_process);
		$order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, 'SHIPPING', $subtotal['float_shipping_net'] > 0 ? 1 : '');
		$order_process  = '<form action="' .$_tmpl['config']['cart_url']. '" method="post">' . LF . trim($order_process) . LF . '</form>';

	$order_process = str_replace('{SHOP_LINK}', $_tmpl['config']['shop_url'], $order_process);
	$content['all'] = str_replace('{SHOP_ORDER_PROCESS}', $order_process, $content['all']);

// small cart
if($_shop_load_cart_small) {

	$_cart_count = 0;

	if(isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['products']) && is_array($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['products']) && count($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['products'])) {
		foreach($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['products'] as $cartval) {
			$_cart_count += $cartval;

	if(!$_cart_count) {
		$_cart_count = '';

	if(strpos($_tmpl['cart_small'], '{CART_LINK}')) {
		$shop_cat_selected	= isset($GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_cat']) ? $GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_cat'] : 0;
		$shop_detail_id		= isset($GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_detail']) ? intval($GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_detail']) : 0;
		unset($GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_cat'], $GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_detail']);
		$_tmpl['cart_small'] = str_replace('{CART_LINK}', $_tmpl['config']['cart_url'], $_tmpl['cart_small']);
		if($shop_cat_selected) $GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_cat'] = $shop_cat_selected;
		if($shop_detail_id) $GLOBALS['_getVar']['shop_detail'] = $shop_detail_id;
	       $_tmpl['cart_small'] = render_cnt_template($_tmpl['cart_small'], 'COUNT', $_cart_count);
       $content['all'] = str_replace('{CART_SMALL}', $_tmpl['cart_small'], $content['all']);

    // BEGIN language replacement
    if (function_exists('lang_replace'))
       $content['all'] = lang_replace($content['all']);
    // END language replacement

    function get_cart_data() {

	// retrieve all cart data
	if(empty($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['products']) || ! is_array($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['products']) ||	! count($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['products'])	) 
		return array();
	$in = array();
	foreach($_SESSION['shopping_cart']['products'] as $key => $value) {
		$key = intval($key);
		$in[$key] = $key;

	$sql  = 'SELECT * FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_shop_products WHERE shopprod_status=1 AND ';
	$sql .= 'shopprod_id IN (' . implode(',', $in) . ')';
	$data = _dbQuery($sql);
	if(isset($data[0])) {
		foreach($data as $key => $value) {
			$data[$key]['shopprod_quantity'] = $_SESSION['shopping_cart']['products'][ $value['shopprod_id'] ];

	return $data;	

function shop_image_tag($img) {
	//['config'][], $_tmpl['config']['']
	$config =& $GLOBALS['_tmpl']['config'];
	// set image values
	$width		= $config['image_'.$config['mode'].'_width'];
	$height		= $config['image_'.$config['mode'].'_height'];
	$crop		= $config['image_'.$config['mode'].'_crop'];

	$thumb_image = get_cached_image(
			array(	"target_ext"	=>	$img['f_ext'],
					"image_name"	=>	$img['f_hash'] . '.' . $img['f_ext'],
					"max_width"		=>	$width,
					"max_height"	=>	$height,
					"thumb_name"	=>	md5($img['f_hash'].$width.$height.$GLOBALS['phpwcms']["sharpen_level"].$crop),
					'crop_image'	=>	$crop
	if($thumb_image) {
		// now try to build caption and if neccessary add alt to image or set external link for image
		$caption	= getImageCaption($img['caption']);
		// set caption and ALT Image Text for imagelist
		$capt_cur	= html_specialchars($caption[0]);
		$caption[3] = empty($caption[3]) ? '' : ' title="'.html_specialchars($caption[3]).'"'; //title
		$caption[1] = html_specialchars(empty($caption[1]) ? $img['f_name'] : $caption[1]);
		$list_img_temp  = '<img src="'.PHPWCMS_IMAGES.$thumb_image[0].'" ';
		$list_img_temp .= $thumb_image[3].' alt="'.$caption[1].'"'.$caption[3].' border="0" />';
		// use lightbox effect
		if($config['image_'.$config['mode'].'_lightbox']) {
			$a  = '<a href="img/cmsimage.php/';
			$a .= $config['image_zoom_width'] . 'x' . $config['image_zoom_height'] . '/';
			$a .= $img['f_hash'] . '.' . $img['f_ext'] . '" ';
			$a .= 'target="_blank" rel="lightbox'.$config['lightbox_id'].'"' . $caption[3] .'>';
			$list_img_temp = $a . $list_img_temp . '</a>';
		return $list_img_temp;

	return '';

function get_shop_category_name($id) {
	if(empty($id)) return '';
	$sql  = 'SELECT cat_name FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_categories WHERE ';
	$sql .= "cat_type='module_shop' AND cat_status=1 AND cat_id=" . intval($id) . ' LIMIT 1';
	$data = _dbQuery($sql);
	if(is_array($data)) {
		foreach($data as $row) {
			return $row['cat_name'];
	return '';

function get_payment_options() {

	$payment_prefs = _getConfig( 'shop_pref_payment', '_shopPref' );
	$supported = array('prepay' => 0, 'pod' => 0, 'onbill' => 0);
	$available = array();
	foreach($supported as $key => $value) {
		if($payment_prefs[$key]) $available[$key] = $payment_prefs[$key];
	return $available;

function get_category_products($selected_product_cat, $shop_detail_id, $shop_cat_selected, $shop_subcat_selected, $shop_cat_link) {
	$shop_cat_prods = '';
	$sql  = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_shop_products WHERE ';
	$sql .= "shopprod_status=1";
	$sql .= ' AND (';
	$sql .= "shopprod_category = '" . $selected_product_cat . "' OR ";
	$sql .= "shopprod_category LIKE '%," . $selected_product_cat . ",%' OR ";
	$sql .= "shopprod_category LIKE '" . $selected_product_cat . ",%' OR ";
	$sql .= "shopprod_category LIKE '%," . $selected_product_cat . "'";
	$sql .= ')';
	$pdata = _dbQuery($sql);
	if(is_array($pdata) && count($pdata)) {
		$z = 0;
		$shop_cat_prods = array();
		foreach($pdata as $prow) {
			$shop_cat_prods[$z] = '<li';
			if($prow['shopprod_id'] == $shop_detail_id) {
				$shop_cat_prods[$z] .= ' class="active"';
			$shop_cat_prods[$z] .= '>';
			$shop_cat_prods[$z] .= '<a href="' . $shop_cat_link . '&shop_cat=' . $shop_cat_selected;
			if($shop_subcat_selected) {
				$shop_cat_prods[$z] .= '_' . $shop_subcat_selected;
			$shop_cat_prods[$z] .= '&shop_detail=' .$prow['shopprod_id']. '">';
			$shop_cat_prods[$z] .= html_specialchars($prow['shopprod_name1']);
			$shop_cat_prods[$z] .= '</a>';
			$shop_cat_prods[$z] .= '</li>';

		if(count($shop_cat_prods)) {
			$shop_cat_prods = LF . '		<ul class="products">' . LF.'			' . implode(LF.'			', $shop_cat_prods) . LF .'		</ul>' . LF.'	';
	return $shop_cat_prods;



Re: Tutorial: Shop Multilingual | Shop mehrsprachig

Posted: Tue 6. Mar 2012, 17:33
by littleredhood
Keiner eine Idee?

Re: Tutorial: Shop Multilingual | Shop mehrsprachig

Posted: Tue 6. Mar 2012, 17:38
by update
Der Shop ist doch als Modul immer dabei - oder verstehe ich da was falsch?

Re: Tutorial: Shop Multilingual | Shop mehrsprachig

Posted: Tue 6. Mar 2012, 18:18
by juergen
Das kann auch nicht gehen ! Der cart wird ausserhalb der frontend render des Moduls bedient, also wird der immer in die Sprache springen die das Modul ursprünglich spricht. Die Sprache muss vermutungshalber durch den cart durchgereicht werden. Ich habe Santschos Lösung nur überflogen, aber über einen cart redet er nicht. ;)

Möglicherweise (!) hilft es, testhalber den Cart mit den Produkten zusammen zu rendern. Dann könnte das womöglich sogar klappen, sind aber alles nur Vermutungen.

Re: Tutorial: Shop Multilingual | Shop mehrsprachig

Posted: Tue 6. Mar 2012, 20:07
by update
Also, mit der von mir installierten Version laufen alle Sprachen im Shop sauber durch. Artikel und Cart sind getrennte Seiten, der gesamte Shop ist parallel zu den Sprachbäumen eingehängt...
...kann aber auch (mit entsprechenden Sprachtemplates) in die jeweiligen Äste gehängt werden...
...nichts ist unmöööglich...