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ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Wed 5. Mar 2008, 18:24
by Heiko H.
Hi there,
I was playing around with the CP "Images special" for a comming project.

I have integratet ImageFlow with the help of this CP.
You can see a demo here (only a tryout-cms!!!).

How To:

Download this and unzip it to your cms root (no files will be overwritten!)

Create a CP "images special".

Choose ImageFlow.tmpl as template.
Don't select lightbox option this is not working at the moment ! :oops: (JS-Collision)


Choose the images you want to show in imageFlow, add a caption if you want.


That's it.

The css-file is there: template/inc_css/imageflow/screen.css
needs GD v. 2.0.1 or higher
ImageFlow v0.9 is now included in zip file

Make sure [PHP]...[/PHP] RT is switched on in

Code: Select all

$phpwcms['allow_cntPHP_rt']   = 1; //allow PHP replacement tags and includes in content parts
ImageFlow is since v.1.x not for free in commercial Websites!

Enjoy, Heiko...

Re: LightFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Wed 5. Mar 2008, 19:36
by G-Punkt
...was für ein Zufall, gerade erst habe ich mit ImageFlow (und Highslide, Lightflow,...) rumgespielt und dann kommst Du und zeigst mir (uns), wie ich (wir) es in phpwcms einbauen kann (können)... :D :D :D

Sehr schön, vielen Dank


Re: LightFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Wed 5. Mar 2008, 22:51
by zuker
Well done Heiko, nice hack.

Two questions
1. Is it possible somehow to make image flow not from the firs but from the third or fifth or... picture. I’d like to get symmetrical view of lined pictures on screen after loading.
2. How to force open pictures in a blank frame when ‘click enlarge’ is marked.

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Wed 5. Mar 2008, 23:38
by Heiko H.
Hi zucker,
zuker wrote:Well done Heiko, nice hack.
No, it is not a hack! No core-code is edited :idea:
zuker wrote:Is it possible somehow to make image flow not from the firs but from the third or fifth or... picture.
Add the following to template/inc_js/imageflow/imageflow.js after

Code: Select all

window.onload = function()
this, near line 290

Code: Select all

		glideTo( -450, 3)
glideTo( -150, 1) --> 2. image
glideTo( -300, 2) --> 3. image
glideTo( -450, 3) --> 4. image
... and so on.
zuker wrote:How to force open pictures in a blank frame when ‘click enlarge’ is marked.
I have to make some tests... but im not in time at the moment, sorry...


Re: LightFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Thu 6. Mar 2008, 11:03
by baklavoni
this looks so gooooood.

Gonna implement it.



Just test it...
Not working. I cannot find ImageFlow.tmpl in CP images <div>.

I uploaded everything in root of my phpwcms.
Version 1.3.3.

Re: LightFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Thu 6. Mar 2008, 12:25
by zuker
Hi baklavoni,

I have tested, LightFlow in CP Images special works fine.
You should use CP images special instead of CP images <div>.
But CP images special is implemented only in 1.3.5 version (look for the latest snapshot 2007/12/05 )


Re: LightFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Thu 6. Mar 2008, 13:05
by sustia
Hi, I receive an error like you can see here:

Re: LightFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Thu 6. Mar 2008, 14:07
by baklavoni
zuker wrote:Hi baklavoni,

I have tested, LightFlow in CP Images special works fine.
You should use CP images special instead of CP images <div>.
But CP images special is implemented only in 1.3.5 version (look for the latest snapshot 2007/12/05 )

Thanks for the info.
I'll stick to 1.3.3. Don't want to switch to "unstable" version. 8)
This LightFlow is really attractive effect, and as soon as 1.3.5 becomes stable, I'll implement it.


Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Thu 6. Mar 2008, 15:47
by Heiko H.
sustia wrote:Hi, I receive an error like you can see here:
Looks like [PHP]...[/PHP] RT is switched off in

Code: Select all

$phpwcms['allow_cntPHP_rt']   = 1; //allow PHP replacement tags and includes in content parts

Re: LightFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Thu 6. Mar 2008, 16:58
by sustia
Heiko H. wrote:
Looks like [PHP]...[/PHP] RT is switched off in

Code: Select all

$phpwcms['allow_cntPHP_rt']   = 1; //allow PHP replacement tags and includes in content parts
That's it, thanks.

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Fri 7. Mar 2008, 14:08
by daniel.grant
Nice one Heiko.

However, looks bad in Safari

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Fri 7. Mar 2008, 14:22
by flip-flop
This too? -> :?:

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Fri 7. Mar 2008, 17:47
by Heiko H.
daniel.grant wrote:However, looks bad in Safari
Hi Daniel,

what means "bad"? ... Flow.phtml
Here I can see no problems on Safari :? ,
only on old IE's and some other old browsers... (not interesting :wink: )

Or, is the sliderfuction not working?
I have testet Safari for Win (3.0.4Beta) (I don't have no Mac's) all was okay... :roll:


Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Fri 7. Mar 2008, 17:48
by Heiko H.
double post :oops:

Re: ImageFlow in CP Images special

Posted: Fri 7. Mar 2008, 18:19
by Heiko H.
zuker wrote:2. How to force open pictures in a blank frame when ‘click enlarge’ is marked.
Please contact flip-flop for a popup in a new frame.
Hi already made this.
