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@@text@@ doesn't work in shop module

Posted: Sun 8. Mar 2009, 20:58
by update
as far as the email bill is concerned....
This is a pity... I think I'll have to go and issue an issue ;)
Or is there any idea outside there how to achieve this?

Re: @@text@@ doesn't work in shop module

Posted: Sat 14. Mar 2009, 20:32
by update
Monologue is continuing....

Re: @@text@@ doesn't work in shop module

Posted: Tue 17. Mar 2009, 00:24
by nebenaube

Re: @@text@@ doesn't work in shop module

Posted: Fri 20. Mar 2009, 20:05
by nebenaube
Claus, can you elaborate please?

Re: @@text@@ doesn't work in shop module

Posted: Sun 22. Mar 2009, 09:20
by Oliver Georgi
It will work there too because the global i18n rendering is done at the end - always. So maybe there is another problem.


Re: @@text@@ doesn't work in shop module

Posted: Sun 22. Mar 2009, 11:48
by update
It isn't working with the normal form too:

@@Für Sie zur Kenntnis. Diese Informationen haben Sie übermittelt@@:

is the output of the submitted mail. Seems to be built after all rendering is done... Please be so kind to have a look into it occasionally. Thanks a lot ;)

Re: @@text@@ doesn't work in shop module

Posted: Sun 22. Mar 2009, 11:58
by Oliver Georgi
i18n can be used in frontend only. It is NOT designed for "internal" replacements.


Re: @@text@@ doesn't work in shop module

Posted: Thu 2. Apr 2009, 13:44
by update
to warm that up again:

Is there any recommendation how you have to download, save and upload these generated lang-files? Everything is working for a while (especially when I delete everything and have it generated a'new, but this doesn't make sense), but then out of a sudden the system is writing crap (but displaying it correctly..)
Something seems to happen when working with these files... hmm.... just can't figure it out.
Or is it a server issue / browser issue / ...? Or something else? Oliver?

Re: @@text@@ doesn't work in shop module

Posted: Thu 2. Apr 2009, 14:46
by Oliver Georgi
Never close the file with ?>

Be aware to escape single quotes

Code: Select all

"... 'hi, it\'s a sunny day'; ..."