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[solved] error with $phpwcms['i18n_parse'] of config

Posted: Tue 10. Feb 2009, 23:29
by Jensensen
when set to 1 like

Code: Select all

$phpwcms['i18n_parse']	  	  = 1; // enable|disable browser based language parser - all @@Text@@ will be parsed and checked for translation/var based replacement
i get:

Code: Select all

Warning: fopen(/is/htdocs/123XYZ/cms/template/template_lang/de.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /is/htdocs/123XYZ/cms/include/inc_lib/ on line 101
$phpwcms['i18n_parse'] = 0; is working perfect! WHAT'S WRONG?
Thank you.

(r_306 running)

[solved] $phpwcms['i18n_parse'] =1 ==> error

Posted: Wed 11. Feb 2009, 01:19
by Jensensen
For me it is required to CHMOD the directory /template/template_lang/ to 0777 (default was 755).
Now the cms is allowed creating/writing files within.

And these files for example are called: 'en.php' or 'de.php'. On my web server they have some settings like 'nobody 644'.

Conclusion: DIR /template/template_lang CHMOD 0777 may fix problems that could occur when you set $phpwcms['i18n_parse'] = 1;
(default is on)

Re: [solved] error with $phpwcms['i18n_parse'] of config

Posted: Wed 11. Feb 2009, 01:40
by Jensensen
strange enough. i have another site with template_lang set to 755 running without any errors. it must be a questions of ENV, i guess. so, take this as info only.