{NAV_LIST_ALL} using UL und LI

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{NAV_LIST_ALL} using UL und LI

Post by missberli »


I want to use the {NAV_LIST_ALL} replacement tag with UL and LI and not DIV. So I inserted the code posted on April 2004 (first version of this reptag) into reptag_ccs_nav_list_all.php:

Code: Select all

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// css nav {NAV_LIST_ALL} using <ul> and <li> tags
// -------------------------------------------------------------

function css_list_all ($struct, $act_cat_id, $level, $nav_table_struct, $link_to="index.php") {
        // start with home directory for the listing = top nav structure
        // 1. Build the recursive tree for given actual article category ID

        // return the tree starting with given start_id (like breadcrumb)
        // if the $start_id = 0 then this stops because 0 = top level

        $level = intval($level);
        $start_id = $act_cat_id;

        while ($start_id) {
                $data[$start_id] = 1;
                $start_id                = $struct[$start_id]["acat_struct"];
        $temp_tree = (sizeof($data)) ? array_reverse($data, 1) : false;

        foreach($struct as $key => $value) {
                if($struct[$key]["acat_struct"] == $act_cat_id && $key && !$struct[$key]["acat_hidden"]) $c++;
        $c = (!$c) ? 1 : 0;

        //get depth of level
        $level_depth = 0; $start_level = $level;
        while ($start_level) {
                $start_level = $struct[$start_level]["acat_struct"];
        $temp_menu = build_levels_list ($struct, $level, $temp_tree, $act_cat_id, $nav_table_struct, $level_depth, $c, $link_to); //starts at root level
        return ($temp_menu) ? ("\n<ul class=\"navList\">".$temp_menu."</ul>\n") : "";


function build_levels_list ($struct, $level, $temp_tree, $act_cat_id, $nav_table_struct, $count, $div, $link_to) {
        // this returns the level structure based on given arrays
        // it is special for browsing from root levels
        $depth = sizeof($temp_tree)-$div; $count++; $depth2 = $depth-$count+2;

        $temp_menu      = "";
        foreach($struct as $key => $value) {
                if($_SESSION["frontend_user_in"] && $struct[$key]["acat_regonly"]) $struct[$key]["acat_regonly"] = 0;
                if($struct[$key]["acat_struct"] == $level && $key && !$struct[$key]["acat_hidden"] && !$struct[$key]["acat_regonly"]) {

                        $link_image_id  = "linkid".randpassword(6);
                        $link_name_id   = ' name="'.$link_image_id.'" id="'.$link_image_id.'"';
                        $link                   = $link_to."?";
                        $link              .= ($struct[$key]["acat_alias"]) ? html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_alias"]) : 'id='.$key.',0,0,1,0,0';

                        if($temp_tree[$key]) {
                                if($act_cat_id == $key) {
                              //If we need nesting:
                              $temp_menu .= "<li class=\"MenuItem_lvl_".$count."\" id=\"activeSection\"><a href=\"".$link."\">".html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_name"])."</a>";
                              //no nesting
                                        //$temp_menu .= "<li class=\"MenuItem_lvl_".$count."\" id=\"activeSection\"><a href=\"".$link."\">".html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_name"])."</a></li>\n";
                        } else {

                              $temp_menu .= "<li class=\"MenuItem_lvl_".$count."\"><a href=\"".$link."\">".html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_name"])."</a></li>\n";
                                //If we need nesting:
                        //check to see if there are any subitems for this item
                           if(build_levels_list ($struct, $key, $temp_tree, $act_cat_id, $nav_table_struct, $count, $div, $link_to)!=""){
                                   //subitems: open a new <ul>
                           $temp_menu .= "\n<ul>\n";
                                   $temp_menu .= build_levels_list ($struct, $key, $temp_tree, $act_cat_id, $nav_table_struct, $count, $div, $link_to);
                                   $temp_menu .= "</ul>\n</li>\n";
                           else {
                           //no subitems: close the <li>
                           $temp_menu .= "</li>\n";
                        // No nesting
                        //$temp_menu .= build_levels_list ($struct, $key, $temp_tree, $act_cat_id, $nav_table_struct, $count, $div, $link_to);
                  } else {
                        $temp_menu .= "<li class=\"MenuItem_lvl_".$count."\"><a href=\"".$link."\">".html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_name"])."</a></li>\n";
        return $temp_menu;

// -------------------------------------------------------------

// <ul>-list based Navigation table
if( ! ( strpos($content["all"],'{NAV_LIST_ALL')==false ) ) {
        $content["all"] = str_replace('{NAV_LIST_ALL}','{NAV_LIST_ALL:0}',$content["all"]);
        $replace = 'css_list_all($content["struct"],intval($content["cat_id"]),"$1",$template_default["nav_table_struct"]);';
        $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NAV_LIST_ALL:(\d+)\}/e', $replace, $content["all"]);
The problem is, that the UL und LI nesting is not always displayed properly:

If the active page is in the first level, everything is OK:

Code: Select all

<ul class="navList">
<li class="MenuItem_lvl_1"><a href="">Home</a></li>
<li class="MenuItem_lvl_1" id="activeSection"><a href="">page 1</a>
<li class="MenuItem_lvl_2"><a href="">page 1.1</a></li>
<li class="MenuItem_lvl_2"><a href="">page 1.2</a></li>
<li class="MenuItem_lvl_1"><a href="">page 2</a></li>
But if the active page is in a sublevel, a wrong </LI> is inserted before the second UL:

Code: Select all

<ul class="navList">
<li class="MenuItem_lvl_1"><a href="">Home</a></li>
<li class="MenuItem_lvl_1"><a href="">page 1</a></li>
<li class="MenuItem_lvl_2" id="activeSection"><a href="">page 1.1</a></li>
<li class="MenuItem_lvl_2"><a href="">page 1.2</a></li>
<li class="MenuItem_lvl_1"><a href="">page 2</a></li>
How must the PHP-code be modified to get a correct nesting?

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