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Re: {NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID,Level depth} (NAVi HORIZontal Drop Down)

Posted: Sun 5. Oct 2008, 01:49
by 1996 328ti
It is a subdomain but the data is in public_html/2008/

In addition to the menu not working properly, in order to go to the login page, I needed to edit
$phpwcms['root'] = '/'; //default: ''

Code: Select all

// site values
$phpwcms['site']              = '';
$phpwcms['admin_name']        = ''; //default: Webmaster
$phpwcms['admin_user']        = ''; //default: admin
$phpwcms['admin_pass']        = ''; //MD5(phpwcms)
$phpwcms['admin_email']       = ''; //default: noreplay@host

// paths
$phpwcms['DOC_ROOT']          = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];// real DOC_ROOT seems to be: '/home/public_html/inc'
$phpwcms['root']         	  = '/';         //default: ''
$phpwcms['file_path']         = 'filearchive';    //default: 'filearchive'
$phpwcms['templates']         = 'template';    //default: 'template'
$phpwcms['content_path']      = 'content'; //default: 'content'
$phpwcms['cimage_path']       = 'images';  //default: 'images'
$phpwcms['ftp_path']          = 'upload';     //default: 'upload'

Re: {NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID,Level depth} (NAVi HORIZontal Drop Down)

Posted: Tue 26. May 2009, 14:42
by flip-flop
NAV_HORIZ_DD using the IE8:

Please patch the file template/inc_script/frontend_render/rt_nav_horiz_drop_down.php arount line 75


Code: Select all

<!--[if IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]-->

Code: Select all

<!--[if gte IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]-->

Re: {NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID,Level depth} (NAVi HORIZontal Drop Down)

Posted: Tue 9. Jun 2009, 09:04
by Vargas
Hello there,

yesterday i gave it a try and tested this navigation. Everything looked well in google chrome and firefox, but in IE7 i dont seem to see the sublevels ?
Anybody else discoverd this or is it just me ??

Re: {NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID,Level depth} (NAVi HORIZontal Drop Down)

Posted: Wed 19. Aug 2009, 19:14
by smoke
is there any chance that this navigation, works with lang_replace.php?

right now the navigation looks like this:


Re: {NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID,Level depth} (NAVi HORIZontal Drop Down)

Posted: Thu 20. Aug 2009, 09:02
by flip-flop
Yes, there is.

It is a fundamental problem of the processing sequence of the files in frontend_render.
We can´t determine direct the processing sequence of the files in this folder.

1. ----
The simplest solution:

1. Create a folder e.g. /frontend_render/special
2. Move the two files rt_nav_horiz_drop_down.php and lang_replace.php from /frontend_render/ into /frontend_render/special/
3. Create a file e.g. processing_order.php in /frontend_render/


Code: Select all


// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) { 
   die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

// Specifies the sequence of processing files
include ('special/rt_nav_horiz_drop_down.php');  // processing first
include ('special/lang_replace.php');            // processing second

Thats it, we have determine the processing order. :D (You can do this with all other php snippets in /frontend_render/ if you have similar problems.

2. ----
An other solution is a insert of the source from the file lang_replace.php into rt_nav_horiz_drop_down.php at the end.
And change / add at the bottom before return:

$content['all'] = preg_replace($language_regexp['search'], $language_regexp['replace'], $content['all']);
$content["pagetitle"] = preg_replace($language_regexp['search'], $language_regexp['replace'], $content["pagetitle"]);

Code: Select all

$t = preg_replace($language_regexp['search'], $language_regexp['replace'], $t); 
(in this case please replace all $phpwcms']['allowed_lang'] by $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['allowed_lang'])


Re: {NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID,Level depth} (NAVi HORIZontal Drop Down)

Posted: Thu 20. Aug 2009, 10:54
by smoke
you are incredible.
thank you very much for your help.
It worked perfectly.

Re: {NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID,Level depth} (NAVi HORIZontal Drop Down)

Posted: Thu 20. Aug 2009, 11:26
by flip-flop
To optimized the script runtime on your server you can put the content of all /frontend_render/* files in the right order into one file e.g. called /frontend_render/master.php.
Disable all other files in this folder by e.g. *.php_


Re: {NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID,Level depth} (NAVi HORIZontal Drop Down)

Posted: Fri 3. Sep 2010, 13:33
by hausmeister
is it possible to make the width of the first level variable?
the code looks like this (width: 120px;):

Code: Select all

#pmenu a, #pmenu a:visited {
   display: block;
   width: 120px;
   font: 16px/27px "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
   color: #fff;
   height: 27px;      /* ORG 25px */
   line-height: 27px; /* ORG 24px */
   text-decoration: none;
   text-indent: 5px;
i would like to have 10 px, than text, than 10 px and now the next navigation-point.
anyone has an idea?

der hausmeister

Re: {NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID,Level depth} (NAVi HORIZontal Drop Down)

Posted: Fri 3. Sep 2010, 13:38
by hausmeister
thats it:

Code: Select all

#pmenu a, #pmenu a:visited {
   display: block;
   font: 16px/27px "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
   color: #fff;
   height: 27px;      /* ORG 25px */
   line-height: 27px; /* ORG 24px */
   text-decoration: none;
   float: left;
	padding-right: 10px;
	padding-left: 10px;

Re: {NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID,Level depth} (NAVi HORIZontal Drop Down

Posted: Thu 10. Jul 2014, 13:27
by trismile3
I have a problem with {NAV_HORIZ_DD}
How can i fix this.

Re: {NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID,Level depth} (NAVi HORIZontal Drop Down

Posted: Thu 10. Jul 2014, 16:28
by juergen
Give it a try:

Code: Select all

This returns a full opened (unfolded) domain tree, where your css has to be fitted to.

Re: {NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID,Level depth} (NAVi HORIZontal Drop Down

Posted: Thu 10. Jul 2014, 16:29
by update
you have the wrong CSS. Here ist a workin one:
(It is from over here: ... v_horiz_dd) but with some adaptions for your site...

Code: Select all

    /* ================================================================
    This copyright notice must be untouched at all times.
    The original version of this stylesheet and the associated (x)htmlis
    available at
    Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Stu Nicholls. All rights reserved.
    This stylesheet and the associated (x)html may be modified in any
    way to fit your requirements.
    08.11.07 KH (flip-flop) Enhanced: Start[ID] {NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID}
    =================================================================== */
    /* Add a margin - for this demo only - and a relative position with a high z-index to make it appear over any element below */
    /* margin hinzugefuegt - ausschließlich fuer diese demo - und ein "relative position" mit einem hohen z-index Wert um sicherzustellen dass das Menue ueber jedem nachfolgenden Element aufklappt. */
    #menu_container {
       margin: 0 0 100px 0;  /* 100px only for testing - default = 0 */
       position: relative;
       width: 735px;
       height: 21px;      /* ORG 20px */
       z-index: 1000;
    /* Get rid of the margin, padding and bullets in the unordered lists */
    /* margin und padding auf 0, Aufzählungszeichen der unsortierten Liste unterdruecken */
    #pmenu, #pmenu ul {
       padding: 0;
       margin: 0;
       list-style-type: none;
    /* Set up the link size, color and borders */
    /* Einstellen der Groeszen, Farben und Rahmen fuer die Links */
    #pmenu a, #pmenu a:visited {
       display: block;
       width: 165px;
       font-size: 11px;
       color: #fff;
       height: 21px;      /* ORG 25px */
       line-height: 20px; /* ORG 24px */
       text-decoration: none;
       text-indent: 5px;
       border: 1px solid #fff;
       border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px;
    /* Set up the sub level borders */
    /* Einstellen der Rahmen fuer die Unterebenen  */
    #pmenu li ul li a, #pmenu li ul li a:visited {
       border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px;
    #pmenu li a.horiz_enclose, #pmenu li a.horiz_enclose:visited {
       border-width: 1px;
    /* Set up the list items */
    /* Einstellen der Listeneinzelheiten */
    #pmenu li {
       float: left;
            list-style-type: none;
       background: #7484ad;
    /* For Non-IE browsers and IE7 */
    /* Fuer alle nicht IE + IE7 */
    #pmenu li:hover {
       position: relative;
    /* Make the hovered list color persist */
    /* Festlegen der Farbe fuer hover li */
    #pmenu li:hover > a {
       background: #D1D5DF; /* ORG #dfd7ca; */
       color: #BF4300;      /* ORG #c00; */
    /* Set up the sublevel lists with a position absolute for flyouts and overrun padding. The transparent gif (leer.gif) is for IE to work */
    /* Einstellen der Unterebenenlisten mit einer absoluten Positionierung fuer die FlyOuts und dem "Ueberfahren-Abstand"
       Das transparente gif (leer.gif) ist fuer den IE gedacht */
    #pmenu li ul {
       display: none;
    /* For Non-IE and IE7 make the sublevels visible on list hover. This is all it needs */
    /* Fuer alle nicht-IE + IE7 wird die Unterebenenliste sichtbar bei einem Ueberfahren (hover) */
    #pmenu li:hover > ul {
       display: block;
       position: absolute;
       top: -7px;         /* ORG -11px */
       left: 169px;
       padding: 6px 30px 30px 30px; /* ORG padding: 10px */
       background:transparent url(../../img/article/leer.gif);
       width: 200px;
#pmenu li:hover > ul li{display: block;width: 200px;}
    /* Position the first sub level beneath the top level links */
    /* Positioniere die erste Unterebene nach dem Topebenenlink */
    #pmenu > li:hover > ul {
       left: -30px;
       top: 16px;
    /* get rid of the table */
    /* Tabelle neu einstellen */
    #pmenu table {
       position: absolute;
       border-collapse: collapse;
       top: 0;
       left: 0;
       z-index: 1000;
       font-size: 1em;
    /* For IE5.5 and IE6 give the hovered links a position relative and a change of background and foreground color. This is needed to trigger IE to show the sub levels */
    /* Fuer den IE5 und IE6 gebe dem hover-Link eine relative Position und wechsele die Hinter- und Vordergrundfarbe. Das ist notwendig damit der IE angestoszen wird die Unterebenen auszugeben */
    * html #pmenu li a:hover {
       position: relative;
       background: #D1D5DF; /* ORG #dfd7ca; */
       color: #c00;
    /* For accessibility of the top level menu when tabbing */
    /* Fuer die Aktivierung der ersten Ebene, wenn im Menue geblättert wird */
    #pmenu li a:active, #pmenu li a:focus {
       background: #dfd7ca;
       color: #BF4300;      /* ORG #c00; */
    /* Set up the pointers for the sub level indication */
    /* Einstellen der Symbole/Pfeile für die Unterebenenanzeige */
    #pmenu li.fly_ul {
       background: #7484ad url(../../img/symbols/klapp_zu.gif) no-repeat 107px center;
    /*   background: #7484ad url(../../img/article/navi/fly.gif) no-repeat right center;
    #pmenu li.drop_ul {
       background: #7484ad url(../../img/symbols/klapp_auf.gif) no-repeat 105px center;
       /* background: #7484ad url(../../img/article/navi/drop.gif) no-repeat right center;
    /* KH: Active Path output */
    /* KH: Ausgabe des aktiven Pfads */
    #pmenu li.act_path {
       background:#4161AF url(../../img/symbols/klapp_auf.gif) no-repeat 105px center;
    /*   background:#cccccc url(../../img/article/navi/drop.gif) no-repeat right center;
    /* This lot is for IE5.5 and IE6 ONLY and is necessary to make the sublevels appear */
    /* change the drop down levels from display:none; to visibility:hidden; */
    /* Dies ist fuer den IE5.5 und IE6 notwendig um die Unterebenen anzuzeigen */
    /* Wechselt die Unterebenen von display:none; nach visibility:hidden; */
    * html #pmenu li ul {
       visibility: hidden;
       display: block;
       position: absolute;
       top: -11px;
       left: 80px;
       padding: 10px 30px 30px 30px;
       background: transparent url(../../img/article/leer.gif);
    /* keep the third level+ hidden when you hover on first level link */
    #pmenu li a:hover ul ul {
       visibility: hidden;
    /* keep the fourth level+ hidden when you hover on second level link */
    #pmenu li a:hover ul a:hover ul ul {
       visibility: hidden;
    /* keep the fifth level hidden when you hover on third level link */
    #pmenu li a:hover ul a:hover ul a:hover ul ul {
       visibility: hidden;
    /* keep the sixth level hidden when you hover on fourth level link */
    #pmenu li a:hover ul a:hover ul a:hover ul a:hover ul ul {
       visibility: hidden;
    /* make the second level visible when hover on first level link and position it */
    #pmenu li a:hover ul {
       visibility: visible;
       left: -30px;       /*          (IE5 ONLY) */
       top: 10px;         /* ORG 14px (IE5 ONLY) */
       lef\t: -31px;      /*          (IE6 ONLY) */
       to\p: 11px;        /* ORG 15px (IE6 ONLY) */
    /* make the third level visible when you hover over second level link and position it and all further levels */
    #pmenu li a:hover ul a:hover ul {
       visibility: visible;
       top: -11px;        /* ORG -11px (IE6 ONLY) */
       left: 80px;
    /* make the fourth level visible when you hover over third level link */
    #pmenu li a:hover ul a:hover ul a:hover ul {
       visibility: visible;
    /* make the fifth level visible when you hover over fourth level link */
    #pmenu li a:hover ul a:hover ul a:hover ul a:hover ul {
       visibility: visible;
    /* make the sixth level visible when you hover over fifth level link */
    #pmenu li a:hover ul a:hover ul a:hover ul a:hover ul a:hover ul {
       visibility: visible;
    /* If you can see the pattern in the above IE5.5 and IE6 style then you can add as many sub levels as you like */
It is from over here: ... v_horiz_dd