www.karmawaters.com - Hoi An, Vietnam

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www.karmawaters.com - Hoi An, Vietnam

Post by santscho »

For a good friend who has a vegetarian restaurant and makes boat tours in Hoi An, Vietnam, I've created a new website.


Maybe you want to know how I made the contact form (round corners). It is a JS-CSS combination. A little bit tricky when you want to use it for the guestbook too.
I made photoshop templates with slices for a fast exchange of the form graphic elements. Let me know, if you want to work with it.
Information and Download here: http://www.emblematiq.com/projects/niceforms/

About Karma Waters
In our reality what we "produce" is people (customers, employees, owners, community at large, etc.). Our "products" (of sustainable tours, food, boats, models, etc.) are a necessary by-product and reflection of who we are and they are only one method to prove and improve ourselves as "humane beings."
Please read more about the good things, Karma Waters does for Hoi An and the people living there (eg. poor people can eat a healthy meal for 50 US Cents):

The owners wife is a Vietnamese woman and well educated in IT. She did the last website. I will go to Hoi An to teach her, how to use the CMS. Means free windsurfting/sailing/jetskiing/... and very nice vegetarian food for me (yes, I am vegetarian).

Schon Konfuzius sagte: "Sei kein YAML-Lappen". YAML-phpwcms-Integration auf http://www.yaml.phpwcms.org
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markus s
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Re: www.karmawaters.com - Hoi An, Vietnam

Post by markus s »

very nice site...

why is the gallery not in a two rows ?
and the pics are very small.

a very critical font to read for me...

i can search and see nothing ?
theres is no content in IE.

snorkeling - the gallery has no space to list 5 pics !

but - wow - there are thousands of activities...!
and what ? you dont eat like a human ?

sorry - im to critical today...
hand (have a nice day)
propelled by fresh air from tirol
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Rainer G
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Re: www.karmawaters.com - Hoi An, Vietnam

Post by Rainer G »

Die Anzeige der vergrößerten Version der Bannerbilder ist gewollt? Die Anzeige erfolgt jedenfalls nicht mit Lightbox, wie bei den anderen Bildern und so viel größer, als dass es sich richtig lohnt, sind sie auch nicht. Allgemien könnten sie ruhig größer sein. Einiger Lightboxanzeigen sind genauso groß wie in der Seitenansicht.

Die Farbgebung gefällt mir sehr gut. Dezente Farbverläufe. Es muss nicht immer knallig bunt sein! Schriftmäßig bevorzuge ich serifenlose Schriften, aber trotzdem passt es.

Good work! :D
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Re: www.karmawaters.com - Hoi An, Vietnam

Post by santscho »

Thanks so far for your comments. The season starts soon and we wanted to go online as soon as possible. That is not an excuse. Anyway... I did some changes...
why is the gallery not in a two rows ?
and the pics are very small.
Do you mean the extended lightbox images? – You are right, should try to get bigger images. Can't blow it up in Photoshop (quality).
font: a very critical font to read for me...
Just checked on a windows computer. It's true. Should be better now.
search/sitemap: i can search and see nothing ? theres is no content in IE.
Because there is no content :D . That is one of the missing things I will complete tomorrow. Until then... offline
activities: snorkeling - the gallery has no space to list 5 pics !
Strange. Anyway, I made 4 columns for all galleries
and what ? you dont eat like a human ?
That is one of my personal contributions to make our world a better place :)
sorry - im to critical today... hand (have a nice day)
Very good. That is why we publish our websites here. right?
Die Anzeige der vergrößerten Version der Bannerbilder ist gewollt?
Nein, Danke für den Hinweis.
Schriftmäßig bevorzuge ich serifenlose Schriften
- Ich auch. Hat viel Selbstüberwindung gebraucht, um mit "Times" zu fahren. Irgendwie passt es zum Thema.
- Vielleicht die ganze Seite mit einem Schatten versehen. = Mehr Tiefe.
- Am Menü muss ich auch noch was machen. Noch nicht ganz zufrieden.
Schon Konfuzius sagte: "Sei kein YAML-Lappen". YAML-phpwcms-Integration auf http://www.yaml.phpwcms.org
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