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by eglwolf
Wed 2. Jun 2004, 06:04
Forum: phpwcms Feature Requests
Topic: Guestbook / comments approval
Replies: 32
Views: 33303

Guestbook / comments approval

I would like the ability to approve the comments before they go live on my site. That will prevent someone from spamming nasty messages on our sites.
by eglwolf
Wed 2. Jun 2004, 05:41
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Approving Guestbook/Comments before publishing
Replies: 3
Views: 2548

Approving Guestbook/Comments before publishing

I wanted to use the guestbook/comments are for testimonials section. But first would like to know if there is a way to have the comments left in the admin area for approval, before being released to be views live on the site.
by eglwolf
Wed 2. Jun 2004, 01:14
Forum: phpwcms Discussion
Topic: Formatting {BreadCrumb}
Replies: 2
Views: 1655

Formatting {BreadCrumb}

Where can I format the style of the breadcrumb menu? I was able to find where I can replace the > with an image. But I want to add a css tag to the links and text layout.
by eglwolf
Sun 30. May 2004, 23:07
Forum: phpwcms Discussion
Topic: Index Page
Replies: 16
Views: 4671

Pappnase - thanks that did it. Bedore I create another site structure leve and then the home page article under that.

Like I said orginally, simple question or rather simple answer for a dummy like me.
by eglwolf
Sun 30. May 2004, 22:59
Forum: phpwcms Discussion
Topic: Index Page
Replies: 16
Views: 4671

This is what my list of articles looks like, I have the templates, and structures and a couple articles in place.

Now where do I edit the content that I want on the index page?

by eglwolf
Sun 30. May 2004, 22:50
Forum: phpwcms Discussion
Topic: Index Page
Replies: 16
Views: 4671

So if they are all the same page, where in the admin area do I edit this, becuase I do not see this page listed anywhere under my articles.
by eglwolf
Sun 30. May 2004, 22:38
Forum: phpwcms Discussion
Topic: Index Page
Replies: 16
Views: 4671

they bring up two different pages. And I don't know how to edit either one in the admin area. And what page is the breadcrumb navigation pointing to?
by eglwolf
Sun 30. May 2004, 21:07
Forum: phpwcms Discussion
Topic: Index Page
Replies: 16
Views: 4671

Index Page

I have my site structure completed, and was working on the templates, and realized that I don;t know where the index page is for me to edit that. The breadcrumb menu for home goes to: so why not something like index.shtml or index.html? Sorry this might be a simple question but I ...
by eglwolf
Sun 30. May 2004, 17:30
Forum: phpwcms Discussion
Topic: Assigning a template to an article
Replies: 4
Views: 1902

frold - I think I got it, I create a site structure (category) and then I can assisgn an article to that, so that is how I get the template I want to show for the article I want.

by eglwolf
Sun 30. May 2004, 16:45
Forum: phpwcms Discussion
Topic: Assigning a template to an article
Replies: 4
Views: 1902

Assigning a template to an article

I have a question on using the templates: Category 1 - gets template A Category 2 - get template B Now if I create an article under category 1, it will also have template A. But why can't I assign a different template to that article? Why be able to assisgn templates to articles and site structure? ...
by eglwolf
Sun 30. May 2004, 15:38
Forum: phpwcms Discussion
Topic: Altering the Navigation Menu
Replies: 19
Views: 7467

well I put it all back to the orginal, since the this.className worked, but the border would not show up. The background worked just like before however the border would not. it is very strange..
by eglwolf
Sun 30. May 2004, 06:25
Forum: phpwcms Discussion
Topic: Altering the Navigation Menu
Replies: 19
Views: 7467

Well I tried this, and got javascript errors on the page, then I added the ; at the end of each replacement line. Still got javascript errors. So what I tried next was to change $js .= ($nav_table_struct["row_over_bgcolor"]) ? "this.bgColor='".$nav_table_struct["row_over_bgc...
by eglwolf
Sun 30. May 2004, 05:39
Forum: phpwcms Discussion
Topic: Altering the Navigation Menu
Replies: 19
Views: 7467

Ok now I get it, I will try that and let you know, thanks.
by eglwolf
Sun 30. May 2004, 04:36
Forum: phpwcms Discussion
Topic: Altering the Navigation Menu
Replies: 19
Views: 7467


Yes I am trying to add a border around the Hosting, domain, servers links when you mouseover them. Just like the quick links area all the way at the top.

I somewhat understand what you are saying, but have no idea how to go about that. Can you give me a little information on that?
by eglwolf
Sat 29. May 2004, 14:34
Forum: phpwcms Feature Requests
Topic: Add to favorites - Send Page Functions
Replies: 5
Views: 1619

Thanks I will take a look at this.

Does anyone know of a better cross browser "Bookmark", "Add to Favorites". The one I am using now only works with IE, and I would like something to work with IE, Netscape, Mozilla, FireFox and Opera.