Search found 8 matches

by rushnikus
Tue 15. Apr 2008, 02:21
Forum: sites you are proud of (made with phpwcms only)
Replies: 11
Views: 5171


Ohh thanks! I check now :D OK I made the change, but I cant find out the correct using for {NAV_LIST_UL} RT I have this so far: {NAV_LIST_UL:F,0,3,path,active,test,3,} Did I make the mistake? Thanks! :D EDIT: OK I find out the problem, need to add //$li .= ' class="'.$li_class.'"'; in the ...
by rushnikus
Mon 14. Apr 2008, 10:55
Forum: sites you are proud of (made with phpwcms only)
Replies: 11
Views: 5171


Hi Oliver, How can you make the first tab of navigation have "first" id? I have {NAV_LIST_UL:F,0,3,path,active,,3,} and i tried many things and cannot force specify of the first link... I am sure I read and understand everything i can find on the forum Right now has only all of them show l...
by rushnikus
Sat 2. Jun 2007, 17:59
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: error while creating new article content: Duplicate entry '0
Replies: 3
Views: 1364

Yes, I thought maybe this problem, but I never change it in database. And then I change to another database from the time when it is working, but even this one cannot work. Also, I didnt change anything for the database at all, everything is through backend when this problem happen the first tiem. C...
by rushnikus
Sat 2. Jun 2007, 17:43
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: error while creating new article content: Duplicate entry '0
Replies: 3
Views: 1364

error while creating new article content: Duplicate entry '0

Does anyone know what is the cause for this problem?
error while creating new article content: Duplicate entry '0' for key 1
After I submit a new artical it happens. Then cannot log in unless restore the artical content table in database.


by rushnikus
Fri 11. May 2007, 10:23
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic:     removed by himself
Replies: 4
Views: 1516

danke Oliver, du bist ich de held! :D

thank yous on Dex, but seems does not quite work :(

I wart after Oliver make magic on next vershon 8)
by rushnikus
Fri 11. May 2007, 07:31
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic:     removed by himself
Replies: 4
Views: 1516

    removed by himself

Sorry my English is not good but I try ;)

Do anyone share the problem with me?:

When I used the 'plain html' contentpart the artikle sometimes I need   he de but after save it has removed by himself.

Can you understand the meaning? Thanks for help!

EDIT: to make good English
by rushnikus
Sat 21. Apr 2007, 11:05
Forum: sites you are proud of (made with phpwcms only)
Replies: 7
Views: 5104

I think this is such a great design! sorry I cannot speak German! In fact I use phpwcms after I saw this design
by rushnikus
Sat 21. Apr 2007, 10:58
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Replies: 1
Views: 995


Hello everyone, I am new to phpwcms, I think its really very good, congratulations to Oliver! I have some small problem, I am using the {NAV_TABLE_COLUMB}, is there some way to change the style of this, I have seen on some other sites some different styles of it but I can't find where is the php fil...