Search found 8 matches

by jpwalker
Thu 12. Jul 2007, 10:35
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Create and manage my own 404 error page
Replies: 1
Views: 1003

Create and manage my own 404 error page

Hi, I'm currently trying to manage my own 404 error page. I have added some code lines in my .htaccess ErrorDocument 404 /index.php?error_page It works great when I try to load http://www.mydomain.ext/lidurghf But, when I try http://www.mydomain.ext/page_that_does_not_exist.phtml or http://www.mydom...
by jpwalker
Wed 13. Jun 2007, 14:17
Forum: hacks & enhancements
Topic: Teaser_Ex translate [more...] link in default template
Replies: 5
Views: 3258

Hi, Check in config/phpwcms/ search for $template_default['top_readmore_link'] Here is the default template used by teaser_ex ;) PS : you can create your own template -> teaser.tmpl place it in the different template directory template/inc_default template/inc_cntpart/ar...
by jpwalker
Wed 6. Jun 2007, 18:40
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Update content part pagination on 1.2.9v
Replies: 1
Views: 899

Update content part pagination on 1.2.9v

Hi everybody, I just want to know if it possible to update the pagination content part of 1.3.3v on a 1.2.9v ? It's a beautiful function, very usefull !! P.S. : I can't upgrade versions because of production website with addition developpments (tinyMCE, XHTML, WAI corrections...). The only solution ...
by jpwalker
Thu 5. Apr 2007, 11:10
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: How to use CUSTOM {FIELD} in contact form contentpart ?
Replies: 1
Views: 960

How to use CUSTOM {FIELD} in contact form contentpart ?

Hi everybody, Everything is in the title, I saw that there is a new option in the contact form contentpart. This one allow to use CUSTOM {FIELD}. I have created a form but I did not see anything appear in the source code (no form tag or input tag...). I currently running a 1.2.9V. Is there a tip or ...
by jpwalker
Tue 6. Mar 2007, 10:11
Forum: hacks & enhancements
Topic: Userpanel CP
Replies: 330
Views: 157812

hi jpwalker, it doesn't work on my site. I have created a ct userpanel and saved it. After that I have tested without be logged. I have already installed a template too. Nothing in the frontend, only article title. :!: But what do you think with don't fill all fields in the backend skeut. Hi skeut,...
by jpwalker
Fri 2. Mar 2007, 11:49
Forum: hacks & enhancements
Topic: Userpanel CP
Replies: 330
Views: 157812


I've got the same problem !

The installation came very good, the ct userpanel appear in the listbox...

Anyone have work on ?


[EDIT] : problem solved, just test without be login and don't fill all fields in the backend. And it don't work without template.
by jpwalker
Thu 1. Mar 2007, 15:20
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Integrating user/role logins for web site users
Replies: 11
Views: 5021

Thx for your answer !!!

Is there a solution for implemented the old rights management into v1.2.9 ?

We need that features and we want to know if it's possible.

by jpwalker
Thu 1. Mar 2007, 09:27
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Integrating user/role logins for web site users
Replies: 11
Views: 5021

Hi everybody,

I want to know if you're talking about rights management ?

I see in 1.2.9 version that "authorized to access" don't exist. Is it temporary or rights will completly change ?

Thx a lot and congratulation for all the work !!