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by beat
Thu 6. Feb 2014, 16:21
Forum: phpwcms Support Deutsch
Topic: Backend Dateimanager blank
Replies: 4
Views: 1558

Re: Backend Dateimanager blank

Hi top

thanks, das wars. Da war ein 2 Mb Bild mit 5000px oben, das kann ja nicht gehen.

Danke nochmals.
by beat
Wed 5. Feb 2014, 16:48
Forum: phpwcms Support Deutsch
Topic: Backend Dateimanager blank
Replies: 4
Views: 1558

Re: Backend Dateimanager blank


ich denke das wird es sein. Die hatte von einem Bild gesprochen.

Danke schon mal. Ich lass dich wissen falls es dies war.
by beat
Wed 5. Feb 2014, 14:14
Forum: phpwcms Support Deutsch
Topic: Backend Dateimanager blank
Replies: 4
Views: 1558

Backend Dateimanager blank

seit ein paar Tagen wird der Dateimanager nicht mehr geladen, die Seite ist blank. Leider gibt es auch keine Fehlermeldung. Hat jemand eine Idee was dies sein kann?

PHPWCMS Version 3.5

Das ist passiert als der Kunde versuchte ein Bild hochzuladen.
by beat
Mon 14. Sep 2009, 14:37
Forum: phpwcms Installationsprobleme Deutsch
Topic: Probleme mit dem Mehrfachupload von Bildern
Replies: 40
Views: 48371

Re: Probleme mit dem Mehrfachupload von Bildern


gibt es da ein Zeitfenster, bis wann der Uploader wieder funktioniert?
by beat
Tue 24. Jun 2008, 19:54
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: FCKeditor creates emtpy paragraph
Replies: 4
Views: 3542

FCKeditor creates emtpy paragraph

Hi All

I have a problem with FCKeditor I need to solve soon. In PHPWCMS 1.3.9 FCKeditor creates in each empty Field a empty paragraph. I've disabled it with
FCKConfig.FillEmptyBlocks = false ;
but FCKeditor is anyway placing a <p>&160;</p>.

This is absolutley not user Friendly. Is there any ...
by beat
Sat 18. Aug 2007, 21:54
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: adding a body ID as css hook
Replies: 21
Views: 8349

Hi claus
just tried your solution. I guess it it is the way to it but I get for each navigation a new ID and class.

Well a class is actually not needed (not for now, but to have it makes sense) as you can trigger all css commands via the body id. what would be important is that the body id remains ...
by beat
Sat 18. Aug 2007, 20:16
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: adding a body ID as css hook
Replies: 21
Views: 8349

Claus thanks

just came back, was away the whole day. However I will have a look at this. Seems to be what I am looking for, especially the last part. I was also thinking of having a cp, but I am not sure if this works.

my Idea is that all files in one level will get the same ID for example ...
by beat
Sat 18. Aug 2007, 08:36
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: adding a body ID as css hook
Replies: 21
Views: 8349

adding a body ID as css hook

I have a site with seven main navigation points. each of this seven should get a seperate header image. An easy way would be, to be able to set a body ID to have kind of a hook to add a css role to like

#bodyHome #header {
background-image: url(bgHome.gif);
#bodyProd #header {
background-image ...
by beat
Tue 15. May 2007, 08:15
Forum: phpwcms Discussion
Topic: FE User and User/Group Rights-Management Development
Replies: 327
Views: 143488

I just contributed 100$ as well

Hi Folks, for a start I just contributed hundred bugs as well. I will add another 100$ when more contributions come in.

I wonder where all the nagging crowd is with there contribution.

I guess every one must have noticed by now, that PHPWCMS has changed a lot, so all of you guys get an easier way ...
by beat
Sat 31. Mar 2007, 14:17
Forum: sites you are proud of (made with phpwcms only)
Topic: A brasserie website
Replies: 12
Views: 6721

ok the display problem in FF, Safari and so on ist not solved. I copied your markup and the css and changed it slightly. see my pm.
The site will then work.

I really suggest you not to use any tables in your layout if not absolutly needed. I left them in my fix, but I strongly recommend you to ...
by beat
Thu 29. Mar 2007, 17:59
Forum: sites you are proud of (made with phpwcms only)
Topic: A brasserie website
Replies: 12
Views: 6721

Hi Ben

I like the design of the site, simple and clean.

But you have to make a few changes. First of all the site dosen't validate. For example you have a <br /> in your ul.

then your #address is not opening the wrap or whatever you use on the index. So the address is popping out over the main ...
by beat
Wed 28. Mar 2007, 22:44
Forum: sites you are proud of (made with phpwcms only)
Replies: 8
Views: 3999

yes your site looks good but have a look here

<script type="text/javascript" src="/lightbox/js/prototype.js" / ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/lightbox/js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects" / ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/lightbox/js/lightbox.js" / ></script>

you use ...
by beat
Sun 18. Mar 2007, 08:43
Forum: sites under construction (made with phpwcms only)
Topic: Sicherheitstechnische Betreuung
Replies: 14
Views: 8224

The site looks nice and clean

I allways use to display the scrollbar permanently in site thta have not a fixed sice and use this css

Code: Select all

html {
	min-height: 100%;
	margin-bottom: 1px;
I would not use browserspecific css in any of my site's, it is depreciated by the W3C as well.
by beat
Wed 17. Jan 2007, 08:07
Forum: phpwcms Bug Reports
Topic: Fehlendes "clear:both" bei Abstand zwischen CPs ??
Replies: 5
Views: 16103

Hallo Pepe

stell doch mal laout und css rein ich schau mir das an hat aber bestimmt mit wcms nichts zu tun sondern mit CSS.