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by rollofritz
Wed 1. Feb 2006, 13:26
Forum: sites you are proud of (made with phpwcms only)
Replies: 2
Views: 1817

hi guys and another project: this site is still running 2 month´s now. yes, i know: the "winterpreise" are a bit too much coloured... to much photoshop... but this event is over on 20th march. we are proud of this site in the fact that we have a lot of good pics...
by rollofritz
Wed 1. Feb 2006, 13:18
Forum: sites you are proud of (made with phpwcms only)
Replies: 2
Views: 1817

hi guys and friends!

so we realized a new site:

critics and comments welcome.

if you ar wondering about the horizontal navigation with the coloured buttons: its prepared for a special marketing-event with so-coloured postcards. ...
times will come.

have fun
by rollofritz
Wed 1. Feb 2006, 13:12
Forum: sites you are proud of (made with phpwcms only)
Replies: 11
Views: 4783

hi jan212

great job!
looks good. very clear. good colours. bit fun (inkspot).
i like this kind of design. and you realized it very straight.

more of this....

best regards
by rollofritz
Wed 1. Feb 2006, 12:54
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Einzelne menupunkte
Replies: 3
Views: 975

hi hekla, ich/wir haben das bisher so realisiert: menü1(versteckt)[ID1] menuepunkt1 menuepunkt2 menuepunkt3 menü2(versteckt[ID2] menuepunkt4 menuepunkt5 in der vorlage dann: {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:1} {SPACER:1x20} {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:2} vielleicht nicht die eleganteste methode, funzt aber :-)) siehe: http:...
by rollofritz
Mon 30. Jan 2006, 18:41
Forum: phpwcms Feature Requests
Topic: Table-based Navigation Menu extension
Replies: 1
Views: 2474

i really would enjoy a feature like this too!


by rollofritz
Mon 30. Jan 2006, 18:27
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Menüpunkte ein-/ausblenden
Replies: 4
Views: 1089

hi hanswurst

deine lösung ist vermutlich nicht die ganze wahrheit...
schau mal da noch nach. ... ablecolumn

by rollofritz
Wed 26. Oct 2005, 08:09
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: how to take away unwanted 3pix from IE (not in Firefox)
Replies: 10
Views: 1682

Problem solved!

Hi guy´s

with pepes help its just perfect now! thanks a lot

(i think i missed the lessons in math [specially adding+subtracting]on school)
...but they did it always with potatoes, apples and so on and not with pixels. this would have been much more interesting...

by rollofritz
Tue 25. Oct 2005, 16:38
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: how to take away unwanted 3pix from IE (not in Firefox)
Replies: 10
Views: 1682

good eye´s pepe! some browsers/monitors show nearly the same colour. but it´s different and we will change it... :wink:
by rollofritz
Tue 25. Oct 2005, 15:14
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: how to take away unwanted 3pix from IE (not in Firefox)
Replies: 10
Views: 1682

Hi Kosse, you are right: there was another problem with the right column (different width´s). I think i have solved this now. Instead: the 3 pixels are already here... What makes me think that the problem is coming definitively from the footer is, that this code-line is doing the 3 pixels: <td colsp...
by rollofritz
Tue 25. Oct 2005, 13:41
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: how to take away unwanted 3pix from IE (not in Firefox)
Replies: 10
Views: 1682

Hi pepe! first the URL: this is the code: <!------ Fußzeile ----------------------------------- //--> <!-- Menü Fusszeile mit Icon-Links --> {IMAGE_RIGHT:img_fuszeile.jpg} <br> <br> {SPACER:60x1}<a href="login.php" target="_top">{IMAGE:login_l...
by rollofritz
Tue 25. Oct 2005, 10:58
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: how to take away unwanted 3pix from IE (not in Firefox)
Replies: 10
Views: 1682

i forgot something

Hi forum

i forgot to let you know about the above shown problem: i had to realize an asymetric layout, so i decided to put a picture with this two colours on the bottom right corner.
may be, there is an other way to solve this problem.

thanks for answers!

by rollofritz
Tue 25. Oct 2005, 10:55
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: how to take away unwanted 3pix from IE (not in Firefox)
Replies: 10
Views: 1682

how to take away unwanted 3pix from IE (not in Firefox)

Hi there is a question of a phpwcms newbie: Running 1.2.5 DEV there are 3 pixels always coming with "Fusszeile". IE shows these pixels, Firefox ignores it. They are done with <td colspan="3" style="height:50px;" bgcolor="#948A87"><!------ Fußzeile ------------...