Search found 34 matches

by Ren.Hoek
Wed 25. Oct 2006, 15:23
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Changing Header sizes
Replies: 1
Views: 1086


Hi, it is in the css files inside phpwcms_template/inc_css but I'm not sure at the moment wether it is frontend.css or article.css. Check in the page-source of your page which selector is around the headline you want to change (e.g. <h1 class="articleHead"...) and look it up in those css f...
by Ren.Hoek
Wed 25. Oct 2006, 15:07
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Unterschiedliche Darstellung
Replies: 6
Views: 1950


Hi and sorry, dass ich nicht wirklich auf dein Problem eingehe, aber ich kann es mir nicht verkneifen: kann es sein das der I.E. manche CSS formatiernugen nicht unterstützt? Da muss ich doch grinsen, wenn ich bedenke, _wie oft_ und _wieviele Stunden_ ich deswegen geschwitz habe! Ich schau mir das Pr...
by Ren.Hoek
Wed 25. Oct 2006, 14:55
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: ID for body tag
Replies: 3
Views: 1409



I _guess_ you need to change the index.php around the lines containing

Code: Select all

Use the variables above ;-)

Cheers, Ren
by Ren.Hoek
Wed 25. Oct 2006, 14:30
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: ID for body tag
Replies: 3
Views: 1409


I have no doubt that this is possible, - you would have to insert this into the code (php-scripts) - you have to check out which is the phpwcms-variable for the id OR - you truncate the URL also using PHP (also in the source code) Hope this gives you a starting point - I'm a bit lazy today... Greeti...
by Ren.Hoek
Wed 25. Oct 2006, 13:56
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: CSS, IE vs. FF(Mac and PC), Opera, Mozilla etc.
Replies: 6
Views: 1951



I cannot see that problem. Checked in IE5 vs FF1.5 and nothing but the "normal" :-) differences. Or, I didn't find the part that you meant.

Maybe you could show a screenshot to clarify this?

Bye, Ren
by Ren.Hoek
Thu 27. Jul 2006, 15:46
Forum: phpwcms Feature Requests
Topic: Phalancs' Dream: Im/Export of ContentPart Contents/ Articles
Replies: 5
Views: 3991

me too


I often wished I had had such a function in the past... So we're at least two now who could use that kind of extension :)

Greetings! Ren
by Ren.Hoek
Wed 14. Jun 2006, 16:01
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: name="jump1
Replies: 5
Views: 1887


Oh ja!

_Dafür_ war das :D

Grüße! Ren Hoek
by Ren.Hoek
Wed 14. Jun 2006, 14:59
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: starke Darstellungsunterschiede InternetExpl.-Opera
Replies: 1
Views: 974


hago mentioned, that different browser show headlines in dramatically different sizes and asked how to handle that Hi, ich kann dein Bild leider nicht sehen, kenne aber den Effekt. Es hängt natürlich davon ab, in welcher Einheit die Headlines definiert sind. (Relativ oder absolut.) Und auch, _ob_ d...
by Ren.Hoek
Wed 14. Jun 2006, 14:50
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: calculating widths depending on margin, div, padding
Replies: 1
Views: 1010


Hi, oh yes, this _is_ a pain in the a**! Therefore, there a loads of websites dealing with hacks, types of browser detection and so on. Me personal, I tend to create layouts where it doesn't matter that much if the div... is some pixels different in size. ("floating...") Quickly chosen fur...
by Ren.Hoek
Wed 14. Jun 2006, 14:37
Forum: hacks & enhancements
Topic: VST Tracking Mod - kleines Problem
Replies: 1
Views: 2160



ich persönlich würde zuerst die Stellen, an denen du nach der Anleitung Code hinzugefügt hast, nochmal überprüfen. Speziell in der phpwcms.php

So ein Semikolon; zum Beispiel ist einfach zu schnell übersehen! :)

Sicher keine sehr große Hilfe. Trotzdem:
Greetings, Ren Hoek
by Ren.Hoek
Wed 14. Jun 2006, 14:23
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: phpWCMS - barrierefrei?
Replies: 16
Views: 16014


fopulu asked, if WAI/BITV conform webdesign is possible using phpwcms and who has experience in that field. Hi, ich sehe das auch unbedingt als möglich an. Auf der Site habe ich seinerzeit einige Anpassungen vorgenommen, um die aller grundlegendsten Vorgaben der BITV umzu...
by Ren.Hoek
Wed 14. Jun 2006, 14:02
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: name="jump1
Replies: 5
Views: 1887


Xdream wrote I am defining a CSS-based layout. Before every link there should appear an image. But in the Content-area there is an additional <a name="jump1"></a> which then shows that image too, which I definately do not want! Where does it come from? How can I remove this? Hi, dieser An...
by Ren.Hoek
Wed 14. Jun 2006, 13:44
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Iframe mit {CONTENT} als Source
Replies: 2
Views: 1360

andere Methode

maxroach wrote: I'd like to make a template with an iframe. All the {CONTENT} should appear in that iframe... [...code...] Hi, ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass das funktioniert. In einem iframe kann/sollte ja immer eine vollständige HTML Datei aufgerufen werden, während der ContentPart {CONTENT}...
by Ren.Hoek
Thu 18. May 2006, 19:20
Forum: phpwcms Discussion
Topic: Included Gallery
Replies: 2
Views: 2519



this looks pretty cool. Nice frontend-rendering, but did you also to manage to include the gallery in the _backend_?

Won't you be so kind as to share your experience with us. I.e: how did you do it? :)

Greetings, Ren.
by Ren.Hoek
Tue 16. May 2006, 17:33
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Upload pdf problem
Replies: 2
Views: 1187


in there is a line where you can set max. filesize to be handled by the system.

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["file_maxsize"]      = 2097152; //Bytes (50 x 1024 x 1024) 
Original value is 2 MB, you've guessed it :wink:
So if you like 15MB then calculate 15*1024*1024=15728640.

Bye! Ren Höek