Search found 17 matches

by fnord
Tue 4. Jul 2006, 05:59
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Best set of current instructions for upgrading from
Replies: 2
Views: 1689

Possible typo...

I assume it must be a typo but I'm a little concerned about just diving in if I've got the wrong files.

To be honest, I love phpwcms but the challenges involved in staying up-to-date almost make me want to try another CMS.

Can anyone verify if we've found the right files?
by fnord
Mon 15. May 2006, 06:19
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Best set of current instructions for upgrading from
Replies: 2
Views: 1689

Best set of current instructions for upgrading from

I've spent a few hours trying to find the correct way to upgrade a older install of phpwcms up to the current version. I have searched the forums for hours and checked out the upgrade information on the docu site but have found myself in doubt that I have the combination of files and instructions to...
by fnord
Sat 31. Dec 2005, 07:52
Forum: hacks & enhancements
Topic: shoppingcart integration done
Replies: 54
Views: 39746

Shopping Cart update...

I just tried the shopping cart mod. The docs are great and the cart (and small cart) are very clean looking with the existing templates. The install was pretty easy as well. A couple of things I've noticed and I'm hoping someone else has encountered them and/or made a fix: 1) I can't seem to get pas...
by fnord
Thu 3. Feb 2005, 07:05
Forum: sites you are proud of (made with phpwcms only)
Replies: 12
Views: 5372

That's a good idea! By the way, how did you get it to do that on purpose? I actually just cut-and-paste the HTML that's generated by the menu into the left template (after a few line breaks). Pretty simple--of course it won't automatically update if I change certain parameters on the menu but since...
by fnord
Wed 2. Feb 2005, 05:53
Forum: sites you are proud of (made with phpwcms only)
Replies: 12
Views: 5372

On this page , the menu is not wide enough and wraps the text. That causes the menu to have a large empty gap between "this site" and "support us". It might be confusing but the "support us" is actually intended to be separated like that to help it stand out and not be...
by fnord
Mon 17. Jan 2005, 01:47
Forum: sites you are proud of (made with phpwcms only)
Replies: 12
Views: 5372

The table with menu is set to 100% - just take a look. That table was inside another table whose width was set to 100. But, I changed it to see if it would help. I'm not seeing the "bug" right now but I don't see it everytime. Thanks for the help--let me know if it's fixed for you! Thanks...
by fnord
Sun 16. Jan 2005, 22:16
Forum: sites you are proud of (made with phpwcms only)
Replies: 12
Views: 5372

It's because table width is set to 100% and this is how browser renders the page - this table goes first and fits entire layout until the rest of the code is built. IE in another hand doesn't show the table until it's downloaded entirely...right? I'm not sure about that. The table has a column down...
by fnord
Fri 14. Jan 2005, 07:38
Forum: sites you are proud of (made with phpwcms only)
Replies: 12
Views: 5372

After a few months, I've converted a 100 page site over to phpWMCS: Some of my favorite things about phpWCMS: - Easy to use and setup - Looks good out of the box - Easy to customize and change the look (doesn't LOOK like a CMS) - Great support here at this group - It handles a h...
by fnord
Mon 10. Jan 2005, 23:52
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Permanent URL for articles?
Replies: 2
Views: 1042

My workaround didn't work

I thought I could workaround this issue by making lots of directories in the site structure. Unforunately, then the automatic summaries that are generated by phpWCMS are then lost since there are no articles in the "main directory". Let me explain with a diagram. Before: Topic 1 Article A ...
by fnord
Wed 29. Dec 2004, 05:20
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Calling a CGI script from phpWCMS with arguments...
Replies: 2
Views: 1064

Isn't that the opposite?

Vars you want to use anywhere has to be brought to the $GLOBALS array first. I think that thread is actually the opposite if what I'm trying to do. Isn't that for making my local variables in my function global so that any PHP function can use them? What I'm looking for is a way to access the globa...
by fnord
Wed 29. Dec 2004, 00:23
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Calling a CGI script from phpWCMS with arguments...
Replies: 2
Views: 1064

Calling a CGI script from phpWCMS with arguments...

After trying the "virtual" method suggested in this topic and coming across the same issue that the results of the CGI scripts are placed at top of the screen instead of in the content area where they "should" go I set out to find a better way. I thought I had come across a smoot...
by fnord
Wed 22. Dec 2004, 16:48
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Google, and URL redirects
Replies: 8
Views: 2695 should work. Can you post your entire .htaccess file? Are other commands in your .htaccess file working properly? Do you have your .htaccess file in the "root" web directory?
by fnord
Wed 22. Dec 2004, 07:21
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Permanent URL for articles?
Replies: 2
Views: 1042

Permanent URL for articles?

Is there a way to get a URL for an article that doesn't change even if the article moves in the site structure? I thought maybe something like index.php?id=52 would always get me article number 52 but that doesn't seem to work. I'm sure there must be a way. I've thought about giving every article an...
by fnord
Wed 22. Dec 2004, 03:39
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Google, and URL redirects
Replies: 8
Views: 2695

This redirect instruction in the .htaccess file doesn't work on my site. :( I use where is an existing category. What is wrong? Try adding a "/" after the "directory" entry like this: redirect 301 /testi...
by fnord
Mon 20. Dec 2004, 08:49
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Google, and URL redirects
Replies: 8
Views: 2695

htaccess redirect

I am having the exact same issue and would also like to hear answers to the questions above. I also give people or other websites links like that redirect to I think you should be able to accomplish exactly what you want with an .h...