article_menutitle - need a better understanding

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article_menutitle - need a better understanding

Post by jsw_nz »

Oliver mentioned:
In case a structure level has more than 1 articles inside an article's menutitle/title will be displayed as additional menu items and linking against that article.
sorry - i need a better understanding
- or at least it needs to be clearer.
- I wanted to ask for a little more info on this
- or perhaps usage examples - Can anyone offer a screenshot/usage example to make this clearer

- i think this might be a very good feature
- but because it is still unclear how to use
- i do not use it.

thanks in advance for a pointer
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Re: article_menutitle - need a better understanding

Post by flip-flop »


please have a look:
1) -> How articles are made up
2) -> Article navigation
3) -> I have just completed three advanced Tags: XBROWSE: NEXT / PREV / UP:

Code: Select all

* Different Browse NEXT/PREV/UP for category/article-view in 
 * simple or listing article mode
 * The Link text is generated from the article title and/or subtitle 
 *  or category title or own input
 * - Browse next/prev to the article if the user is in a article detail view 
 *  (article listing mode set) with optional loop 
 * - Browse next/prev/up to the parent category if the user is in a 
 *   article detail view (simple article mode) or category view 
 * - Browse up from article detail view to the category (article listing mode set)
 * V1.0: 07.07.2010 K.Heerrmann 
 * TAG: {XBROWSE:NEXT/PREV:[LinkText|Link article title]:[off|on|loop]}
 * E.g. {XBROWSE:NEXT:>> | >>:2} ===> Link = ">> article title >>", 
 *                                    loop = last to first article
 *  "Link Text" or | or || 
 *       =  "Link Text" or "Link article title" or or "Link article subtitle"
 *  0=off  =  no jump to the next/prev category if the article is the last/first one
 *  1=on   =  next/prev category follows last/first article
 *  2=loop =  last/first article follows first/last article in list mode
I will publish the script in the next few hours


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